Saturday 22 June 2024

Day 18, from 57km to 28km (from Rolleston) Sat 22June2024CE

I got up a bit earlier than usual and had a wash then as i was packing up the tent & heard a sound of bins being rattled, and sure enough it was the fellow who collects the rubbish from the bins. i went out to say thank you to him for cleaning them up, and for us to even have bins on the highway. We had a friendly chat, i didn't even get his name but he used to live in Rolleston, now he lives in Springsure & is filling in for another bloke who normally comes down every Friday. He suggested the bore water near consuela might just go straight through me, and told me the was both a pub and a van park in Rolleston. He said “i can give you a couple of bottles of water.”  but he gave me 3, then smiled, said  “Have a good day. Be careful of those trucks.”

Thanks fella. Might see you again if you’re heading back to Springsure..

7:28am I’m on the road again…

It was pretty big day yesterday and my feet are still sore (hope it isn’t gout) but i made 29 km yesterday. That's a record, if it’s not before a rest day, & if I’m still going. Though we’ll see how far i get today.

Thanks creative love for your companionship, and mentoring!

Got to a point yesterday where it felt like everything was meaningless. reminded me of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) It's pretty hard to talk about because to use words, & words don't really work with big meanings very well. They only work within the meanings given by the defined structure of the language and the people that use it. So, as i consider meanings that are bigger than what's given to me by my society that largely gives me my language, I start to flounder unless i can perceive it personally immediately anyway. If this all sounds a bit like gobbledygook - just jump over it, if it does.  i had to spend some time unpacking it here with creative love to be able to keep going i think. Or at least to be able to keep going in the right spirit.

On recognising goodness then

spying it, being grateful for it, and properly appreciating it…

A poem came, we walked along.

I feel it wants to be a song;

creative love” 

(and that’s the link)

Feel free to look, feel free to think..

.walk on, with two breaks, one about 10?km and one at 

Recorded the poem “creative love” as a song

Working on a Psalm on Pilgrimage…(strength & heart) some reflections on a passage of the Judeo/Christian scriptures which my lady sent me the other day…

Soon after 1:30pm a German Backpacker passed me on the way to carnarvon gorge, but he pulled up behind me and when i per-chance turned back he motiins as if he wanted to talk. I happen to be in the left side of the road at the time and he ran across the road with two chocolate bars waving to give me, and  asked me about what i'm doing and why and then he tested how heavy the trolley was. um it was lovely. 

Simon gave me his phone number for me to text him my blog spot when i get online. He said he had done a lot off hitching, so he knew what it felt like to be acknowledged, & given some little treat. He hit the nail on the head. He knew what I felt like, and was doing what he could to encourage the best side of me. Thanks Simon. That’s the spirit I want to get into me, & encourage when I see it in others too. 

He was in hurry, & i had to get somewhere so we parted but i now had two chocolates, how yummy. He ran across the road, tooted the horn, and we waved goodbye.

Another Psalm-one walking…

At about 28km, I stopped and made camp, just 30 m off the road.


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