Monday 24 June 2024

Rest-day in Rolleston (Mon 24Jun '24)

  Out the window is this:

This is just before sunrise

Yup, a bed in a hotel.  I hope to rest up today.. I've done my washing last night, (just have to hang it up in the sun) &  pre-bought breaky, lunch and dinner.

Started with some lovely time to reflect (in the cold air) , in the presence of creative love, about all the glories seen in people yesterday, and in the world around about. And, under the protection & shelter of, & in the company of such an one, how people can live in completely different worlds, yet be beside each other.  We seem to bring our possible worlds with us wherever we go, and kind of give those worlds 'airplay' in the middle-earth where we meet up. Wow, I get to hang out in the possible worlds of creative love, and feel very privileged to be able to learn to give airplay to those, as I learn from you...

The upshot of this morning is this reflection on These days in this place

I remember thinking recently, that if I find an L plate on the side of the road, that might be a good reminder to stick on the back of my trolley. I'll have to look out from today on (other legs I've seen them on or beside the road; none this one, so far.

Met some folk (two families, I think) over lunch at the pub who are doing an anticlockwise circle down to the Birdsville Big Red Bash. Sounds very interesting. They’re off the Emerald, then Winton, then Birdsville (I think). They filled me in on gorge walks in Qld. Might work for our kids & theirs, some time to come out here and try the Gorge walks?

  • Porcupine 15 km North of Huendon ****

  • Carnarvon *****

  • Cania near Biloela half way to Monto ***

(9-11km was done ok in one day by two 9-11yr old girls

Thanks folk! (Pity, I didn’t take any pictures, or take any drawing paper with me to draw one of them).

A restful Arvo, buying a water filter online. Over dinner I met Peter who works at the coal mine, but lives at Burrum heads, & Ethan who works there too, but lives in Gladstone. Ethan was kind enough to be still for 3 min while I practiced my drawing:

Thanks Ethan. And then later after I had packed my bag, when I was looking for Amanda who manages the Pub to thank, I found her around the fire out the back, & the Italian chef David struck up a conversation around the fire. He had done some of the pilgrimage Comino de Santiago (In Europe, through Spain & Portugal) with his brother, maybe ten yrs back. 

We got to see things freshly just because we were open & honest as much as we were. Thanks Dave.

Well, shower, & to bed. I’ll see if I can get an early start. Wake at 5:30 tomorrow, out by 6:30am )with gloves on.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got a good rest and some good tucker. Keep on walking on. Go well!!
