Wednesday 19 June 2024

Day 15 from 134 km (from Rolleston) to … hopefully somewhere in (or past?) Upper Dawson (Wed 19/06/24)

Day 15 of walking from 134 km to 110km (from Rolleston),… Wed 19/06/24

Had reception last night, so could ring home & get blogs up. Not sure how much reception there will be in the next 4 days

To be able to do the distance to Rolleston 134km , I’ll need to make it 135km - 23km (last day from Pallas Bore to Rolleston)= 111 km in 4 days would be 111/4= 28 km each day… Sounds a bit too much to me, so I might need to see if my trolley can be dropped off 28 km ahead to only have 3 days between the Upper Dawson Bore, and the Pallas Bore. There is a creek around there but that might mean that I need to stay an extra day to boil water etc, unless I can get that life straw working from a bottle. That’s a challenge. We’ll see how we go.

Leaving camp @ 8:10am.

Walked all day. Saw a lot. Camped that night. 

Woke around midnight with some thoughts that came out poemishly: musing unconfusing; Clean up time

Before morning, some more thoughts - poem-ish thingos on The trap is baited & set.. (Chris’Cross)

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