Tuesday 11 June 2024

Third rest day in Roma

 Tuesday 11/June/2024

We walked into town before 8am, had another coffee at the Tasting Co., then I walked out to make it to the park where we left off on Saturday Arvo..

On the way, I popped in to get something that I could not remember at the office supplies shop in Roma, bought some pens and tape & met their friendly staff Ethan & Josie. Heard a bit of their stories, while they modelled looking at something for three minutes, for me to practice drawing (on the right side of the brain). Thanks for your stories Ethan & Josie.

Then popped in to the computer shop (again) to get a right-angled USB cable. They had one! 

Back to walking, down a street that was lined with bottle trees, in commemoration of locals who lost their lives in the wars of this world. 

Looking at them, led me to think “This is what Christian Churches are trying to do for that 33 yr old man who gave his life in what he saw as a cosmic war for people’s heartsq (to be won back from the cancer of a stone edifice, to a beating heart of flesh). But it is often as connected to the life of the town as this side street is…

10:30am… made it to the seat I had stopped at, laid on the concrete in front of, and put my feet up on (the seat), on Saturday. 

I sat down on it this time, to finish writing  up the day so far.

It’s amazing who you meet as you wander through your backyard. Ian Galloway wandered up to me and we talked for a bit about his job of placing 30 more sculptures coming to this sculpture park in Roma, this week as an exhibition from June to September(?). Wow! Won't that be something. I might get to see it on my way home (to a hospital appointment) in July, or back North again in August.

Ian admitted that he took the liberty of taking a pic of me resting here. So I asked to do the same of him. Thanks Ian, for connecting, & your stories & your time as you were on the way to a meeting:

With the watercourse behind him. He had to go off to a meeting, but wished me well on the walk. Thank you for such wishes and blessings. I also wished him well with this installation coming up.I’d like to see it myself..

Oh, oh, speaking of creative love, and love of creativity, and loving creatively, & love of life expressed creatively, etc…here (below) are some winners from past years, sculptures that the town has acquired:

Quite spectacular eh?

On the way back for lunch I met Andrew waiting for his son Henry at the primary school who has AST (& he is non-verbal, though the speech therapist is teaching him to say a few words to get on in life, like Dad, Mum, Truck, Car etc).. Andrew thinks the less we say the better. And he is not so concerned, but he knew that a much higher law than the law of the land was the law of love. He waits here for the two hours each day that his boy is in “Prep.”(or something like that). When he found out that I was walking, Andrew said “Here’s something that may save your life.” And he showed me the symbol on the ground to indicate (in red, yellow, or orange; & on rock or tree) that there was water very close:

Thanks Andrew, for sharing such valuable information for walkers in the bush.


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