Sunday 30 June 2024

First Rest day at Emerald (Sunday, 30June2024)

Wow, how good to sleep in a comfy bed again, to join a family for breaky, to then join with them in honouring such a well chosen “Leader of Humanity”, worth following, learning from, listening to, living in line with, with the goals & mission of, & the help of, as Yeshua!

Would you believe, while with John & Mary at their church, I met a grandmother there who had been an older sister to me (& my siblings) when I was growing up, probably aout 13-15 yr old, in Rockhampton. She was then a nurse on a Honda 500, motor-bike. Jenny Vine, she was then, 

now married and changed her Surname to Hallett, but the same fun-loving person - talking about getting a Harley Davidson. And I met her husband (Rod), daughter (Beth) and some grandchildren.

Met a bunch of folk, another fellow 10 yrs my senior growing up in Rocky (Bob Werner), and a bunch of new friends including John & Mary’s children & grand-children.

Lunch, kip, firebucket out of town, back to dinner. I was present while a mother received a very special woven present, a unique holder from a Son & Daughter-in-law, bought on a trip in PNG, but holding in it a lovely live indoor plant, instead of what it was apparently originally built to contain.

After dinner I had time to reflect on the reflection on Yeshua’s (Jesus’) choice of 12 ordinary men to be his ambassadors (apostles), as a way to change the world from being run by a few talented stars, to being mentored by creative love in partnership with faithful (ordinary) people. 

And, we watched the Tour de France with commentary… (I have here in Emerald experienced an amazing difference being with people who know bike riding, (the culture, the strategies employed, the expected outcomes, & rules & traditions that go with it and with which those who compete have to work). They are avid bike riders. & they shared their life & stories closely enough with me in 3 evenings that I have been converted at least to the stage of interest, appreciation, & following the fun and human pathos of the sport. 

Despite this, before 11pm  (& the end), we’re off to bed. We’ll look forward to seeing the highlights tomorrow though.

Good night.

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