Saturday 29 June 2024

Day 24; from the northern Gindie Sign to Emerald (hopefully, Sat 29June’24)

This is Mary (washing up in the kitchen after a delicious meal), who along with her man John, have looked after me in their house last night, and since.

Discipline of listening for pilgriming

They say a pil-grim-age, might very well
have bits of it that are at times quite grim.
Not all the stuff of comfort. I can tell
you from what I have seen, and know, in him

the pilgrim, who par excellant showed how

to walk to let the road form as he went;

to benefit a goal that’s bigger now

than anyone could dream before. He bent

his will to be lined up with higher will

of that creative love, which made the lot

in such a way that God could mentor still

each of his children who would walk, and not

just run away and hide, and sew fig leaves

together in a shame that’s visited

and seems to want to stay, but “pilgrim” heaves

a sigh, and sheep-skin gifts, unembittered,

walks with one who's invisible, though heard;

ol’ Enoch heard the call & walked along

not just for thirty years, a little bird

chirped (that it was ten times that), in a song.

I guess he learned to listen, and to speak

his mind as openly as he then could,

we wasn’t tryn’a show he wasn’t weak,

he wasn’t tryn’a show that he was good.

But I reckon he made his walk a chance

to open up to mentoring from God,

creative love that made the trees to dance

and gave us shoes, but 'times says “Be unshod.”

I still get to think about my responses to people, and I feel like God is on my case to listen more deeply, and actively, by asking good questions. I see this in Yeshua, my hero and Big Boss. 

Up by 7am to join this amazingly hospitable family, with freshly baked bread timed to come out of its oven around then.

At 9am John dropped me off at the same spot where he had picked me up yesterday - at the northern Gindie sign and headed back to town. 

Should be in around sunset. 

Reflecting on these days..

Thanks John & Mary for the bed last night,

and meal, & then again breaky today.

A catch up - thirty years since our last sight,

or something like that, can be done this way. 

That’s only with initiatives like yours

to offer up a bed within your house,

and use your fuel & car to help because 

another has a plan, that they espouse.

That is a trust you handed on to me,

and gladly (for I will listen and learn)

I do receive your gift of what's lovely,

I want to pay it forward not just spearn.

As our mentor, the cornerstone himself,

Yeshua, who's a builder long ago,

said he would build a government for health 

of all humanity - enough to show

the glory and the honour and the worth,

of living under god's reign, and his lead,

enough that when folk look on this from Earth,

they see borne from above, this tiny seed..

once planted here that bears eternal life,

creative love which never fails (to work),

that can work backwards through eternal strife,

and multiply good purposes - berzerk!

Hope you have a good day, dear friends.

Quick loo break in a muddy stand of trees. @ 10:10am a sign for me:

Someone has already stopped to check if I was ok. Thank you to you who acts out true mateship.

5 km out of town...

Just passing 

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