Thursday 20 June 2024

Day 16 from 110km to 86.5km (from Rolleston).

Day 16 from 110km to 86.5km (from Rolleston).

.7:45am on the road, after cooked breaky: last night’s left overs warmed up.

  • Still, getting better. And lovely time thinking through my own state of mind, in the early hours of the morning, with the help of.. creative love...& providing "an unexpected way out, so you can bear it"

Just before 9 am, a ute going to Injune does a U’ey and stops Infront of me. Just wanting to find out what I’m on avout. I tell them, 

& David & Sheree, the Managers at Walleroo, tell me a bit about Walleroo, self catered “Glamping” for people visiting the beautiful Carnavon Gorge. They think there's also bush camping, and a Big Four Van park inside the Park. I’d love to bring the family & grandkids here for a fortnight. They (like Gail Price, before them) warned me how good the truck stop around the corner is (even got visa facilities, with some skyphone connection!) 

They said to ell Mick & Heather they recommended them (& especially Heather’s cheese cake). How lovely to bump into humans as we walk through this world! Thanks Dave & Sheree (I probably got the spelling wrong - sorry, feel free to make a comment, & I’ll fix it up)

By about 9:20am, I arrive at the Walleroo truck stop.

Heather didn’t get to make her cheesecake this week but I bought a large takeaway flat white coffee & one of each kind of her bickies, & a pie! She got her son “Bull” to help fill my water containers too. Thanks you two. Lovely water., Lovely coffee, Nice bickies, one a day till I get to the bore at Consuelo, Pallas Bore.

Kim Cherry & his lady Lee couldn’t help ‘emselves they brought some cans of chunky beef soup to help me make it through to Rolleston.

How kind. We stopped and had a chin wag. Heard about where Kim grew up and then raised 4 kids with Lee around Toowoomba/ Brisbane. and how he can walk again in a team work production of Titanium bolts and screws after a motor bike accident. Whether pretty sickening photos.. now visiting Ruby Vale for a mate’s 60th. Had a go at drawing Kim as he told me his story..

We each had to go, but look forward to any other meet ups

Moving into a new shire.

.Wow, this brings back memories.. I grew up in Rockhampton (which is part of the Capricorn

Those little signs of progress...

This sign helped me to keep going, then the next one that said 5,km.

When I got there. I stopped for the night. Had a wash in the river and collected a litre of water from the river to boil up for coffee & dinner.

Lovely sights among the trees, 

and some weird things I see as I go… e.g. thinking of camping two times when I found these holes in the ground some only 1 cm across, some 2 cm across. Not many ants around. Are they mice, or spiders, or gheckos, or cicadas?

Just before I got to the rest area where I stayed for the night, a herd of cattle crossed from the right of the road to the CV left and trundled off, except one bigger individual, who turned out to be a bull. I picked up a stick from the other side of the road and made a loud shouting noises “on us! Get up there…” he didn’t move. He was bigger the closer I got to him. Then I remembered the animal whisperer ideas of not looking like a predator who is dangerous, but a fellow herbivore or non dangerous animal, so aivsang quietly. Cows are very curious at this. And looked away from him, and didn't brandish the stick any more. After about 4 minutes he quietly moved to the centre of the road and stayed there for 2 or 3 minutes  I had visions of these big road trains coming in either direction at 100 km an hour and cleaning him up. Then he just waddled off too. I was glad. 

In the paddock after he left, doesn’tt look so big, with the tall grasses,, but he was.

Well 54 min in a car maybe, but for me it looks like 4 more days to Rolleston. Though they say there's not much there. Hope there is a pub, or a Van park with cabins and a bed.

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