Tuesday 18 June 2024

Day 14 from 155 km out of Rolleston. to 134km from Rolleston(Tue 18/June2024)


Woke 6:30; out of sleeping bag by 7am, on the road by 7:43am. Icy. My drinking water had ice in it. Glad of gloves. Crisp sunny morning. Gladly walking. On my right, a memorial to someone who must have passed on this road before.

Sad things happen in this world, 

..I was bawling as I read the family’s obvious love and desire for ongoing relationship. (Later this night Gail filled me in on some more of the sad story behind the death)

Last night’s reflection & my experience this morning..

Oh, the “down-side” of teaming up with creative love is a whole lot more empathy, & thus a while lot more  feeling..

10:45amWade from our on the Fairview Road had passed me on the way into Injune this morning, but now on the way home again, he pulls up ahead of me, asks me where I’m going and from etc. & where I have anything to cook with? When I say “yup, one of this method burners.”, he responds with… well, I’ve got something for you . He goes to his Esky and pulls out a bundle of lamb chops! Bagged and ready to be put on the frying pan. Probably too many for my little frying pan, so he takes some back, but I’ve still got a good feed, for tonight, or even lunch!

Thanks Wade. Wade also let me know that John Walker (Junior; “Whisky”) whom I met, (and had drawn the cousin of) at the Injune pub last Sat night, works for Mrs Borrish (whom Gail Price has tried to contact for me yesterday, but our reception was not that good - to see if I could fill up with tank water at her place). He’d ring Wiskey when he got to better reception, and check if that was ok.

Wow. so many people working in concert with creative love! It is overwhelming, to see, to be caught up in the journey with such a good (senior) walking partner! 

Yee Har!! Chops… eh!  (that is the name of my neighbour's dog two doors up. Just remembered them back there.) Too good.


I walked on, came to the turn off Wade was taking:

Got to the sign (looking back to Injune) that told me I’ve come this far…

and stopped for lunch. I think I’ll make this the big meal of the day, chopps followed by rice &’noodles. De-licious!


So glad! So I spent some time before & during a lunch break writing an Aussie Psalm

“on seeing  (likenesses)”. If that sort of thing interests you, here’s a link to it: “on seeing..(likenesses)”

Try to get going by 2:30pm…

And would you believe it… who should drive by but Gail Price, again. This time to give me a top up of my water, and a Mandarine, and to correct some maybe not so good advice she gave me yesterday.And she’ll drop off a bit more water ahead.

When I get to the Walleroo truck stop old Mick & his lady have set up a food/coffee van. He’ll probably have some water too (esp. if he hears that Gail Price told me about him).

She admitted that her husband, when he was alive, called her a “God bothered”; I said she seemed more like an angel to me. The creative love that made & keeps the whole Universe together seems delighted, not bothered, when we want to join in with creative loving acts. I feel a special connection with this lady I’ve met three times now. I said I’d love for her to pray for me too. Thank you creative love for strewing the Earth with people like these whom I have found, and who have found me this trip.. What a deep magic!

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