Thursday 27 June 2024

Day 22, from the BP truck-stop van-park on the Eastern edge of Springsure .. to ..44km from Emerald (Thurs 27.6.’24)

Met Mick Mahaney (Anthony’s uncle) while waiting for coffee at the road house. He wished me well. Thanks Mick. Have a good day where you are going?.. in the truck, or to the mine..!

Met Lopez (Trina’s husband) who supported my walk by giving me a free breaky.

Thanks Lopez! (& Trina)

Followed a walking path into town.. enjoying breaky.

A grove of trees & a pergola reminded me of people doing hard work to leave a legacy, some of which will be forgotten and overlooked, giving what they had to benefit others, with no guaranteed come-back-ance to themselves.


Then into the gracery store for some meuslie & apples, fix the blog while there is good reception. And off… towards Emerald around 8:30am.

.On the edge of the town, the peak that overshadows the town

 (like Quamby Bluff does for Deloraine in Tazzy).

On the way out of town, towards Emerald..

.made me wonder if there was a sure spring here originally, maybe that the Aboriginals showed the pioneers?..

See the little blue sign along the road in the distance (photo below)? The coffee sign tells me that a coffee van has set up at a rest area. These sort of things get my heart pumping a bit faster.

Though I don’t know if I’ve earned another coffee yet?

Yup, here it is, 

and I did get another coffee. The lady cleaned out my thermos for me, and filled it for the price of a large coffee. And we talked about how I’d get from Clermont to Carters Towers with just a Roadhouse in between, ~176km, then ~196km. Water (& food) could be an issue. Well, my walking partner has made it work so far. I think I’ll stay with my partner, and find out how it’s done, or how it isn’t. The stock routes and bores might yet be part of the answer.

Over coffee I met Laurie Chelepis (Macedonian descent),  (just now helping with a property off the Tambo road), but still 

based in Emu Park, where I lived 50yrs ago, well our family had a house there and we ended up getting a house in Rockhampton, but we spent Dad’s “off-call” weekends there. He wished me well, as we finished our time, & off we went. All the best Laurie, too!

The things you think about on a long walk that is also something of a pilgrimage…

Listening to that book by Ian McGilchrist The Master & His Emissary, has been so paradigm shifting for me (well, it is giving me words to describe experiences, or a model the helps me see better, or a metaphor that helps me appreciate what's going on in the world more fully. The trouble is that once it is put into words, my left brain hemisphere with its enlarged language centre, gets first access, and it  loves to gain more understanding, in the hope of better mastery, is almost unaware of others, and how things affect them, even if myself, as an subjective human. I just saw a parable, the interpretation of which by my different brain hemispheres startled me.

What’s happening with this sign? In you?

In me there was a back & forth …(coming from previous experiences of RUOK - maybe 3 or 4 times, but the rotating “chook wheel” ended on the side (that I now see is the Left Brain Hemisphere’s side of things) of recognising words used as cliches & instruments of innuendo to gain or maintain power structures & ascendancy. 5 minutes later, another (right brain hemisphere) interpretation (that involved a real service to humanity, enabling or reminding human people of the simplicity of good questions in relationships) of what could be happening, occured to me. Wow. I think the LHS has a strong pull in me. I’m glad an alternative kicked in 5 min later. I might do well to give >5 min of thought to things in the future, before I decide what something means, to give a chance to the bigger, more relational me to have some say. I wonder if that bigger, more relational me has something to do with creative love? I have a hunch that it has.

Fair dinkum, about 12:30pm a flash Land Cruiser pulls up ahead of me and a cool dude, jumps out, lights up a smoke and comes walking towards me.. .. 

A bit of an ominous feeling… it was old mate Anthony, in his uncle Mick(whom I met this morning)’s car, heading to Emerald & back, just checking all was well. I got my first photo of him this time. 


How amazing, the way adventures like this bring together the most unlikely people! I feel like he’s my cousin. Thanks heaps Anthony! 

Wow,, amazing time learning, chewing on those old scripture texts in the middle of this amazing world…

Look at this… no it looks so puny compared with the reality, a three dimensional amphitheater…

Tina stopped & offered me a second or new trolley! How amazing is that? 

I thanked her very much for the thought and opportunity, but declined with even rougher conditions coming up after Emerald. We had a chat and found out a bit about each other for 15 min., & off we both went .. woo hoo! Thanks Tina, for your thoughtfulness and offer of the trolley.

Break from ~2:45-3:30pm with my feet up on this monument.

This afternoon I finished listening to an audio book, entitled "Misreading scripture with Western eyes" very interesting... Looking at the Eastern roots, of even the Judeo-Christian scriptures, coming from quite different  collectivist cultures instead of the individualistic modern Western culture, also with quite different views of time/ timing; mechanism/relationship, systemization/organ-ization etc.

@5:08pm I found this sign…

and soon after found a camping spot for the night. Had some dinner, and washed. Tucked in.  Good night

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