Tuesday 25 June 2024

Day 20, from Rolleston to …(wards Springsure, Tuesday 25June2024)

With everything the night before and packing in the morning I set my alarm for 6:20am, then didn’t get of till nearly 8am. Here we go.

Talked with the friendly  local policeman as we drove together on an empty road, about what I was doing briefly.  and bade each other  good day & happy travelling. 

Turned the corner onto the Springsure road, admiring an amazing looking three axle van when the fellow sitting outside it offered me a cuppa. I said I’ve only got 15 or 20 min, but that would be lovely. I met Jim & his wife Kerry made me a cuppa. Wow, what a life Jim had starting as a Policeman, then … then .. making trailers & caravans at Cootamundra. Now at 70, with 4: grandkids he hasn’t got time for making custom vans, he’s got to use his . .

Thanks for the lovely cuppa Jim & Kerry. Shortly after they passed me, also heading to Emerald.

Finally understand why there are sign posts around with folded signs on them, or 2 posts with no signs on them. Possibly forone of these driving signs, when appropriate.

Then walk, walk, walk… I listened to a chapter of the master and his emissary that book by Ian mcgillcrest on the left and right brain hemisphere functions and their influence on cultures and societies. Very interesting and quite scholarly and detailed and requiring concentration.

Also putting together some thoughts on trying to understand first century meanings of letters written from a Jewish Christian follower of Jesus to new followers who were not previously Jews. And their understanding of the phrase the word of God which might not be so much a written word as more a spoken word or actually a person as they started to call Jesus himself, the three-dimensional personal expression of god, or the word of God.  

These phones are amazing this one allows me to look at a copy of the Greek translation, made years before Jesus, of the Hebrew scriptures into the vernacular (the common Greek language) and to compare that to the New Testament writtings which were all themselves in Greek, and look at the changes in the Jewish ways of thinking which end up being very very interesting and quite poetic and develop ideas that just weren't commonly there in the Jewish mindset before, or were only nacent, embryonic, before. Still trying to develop my understanding of Greek.

I talked with a few Road workers who are holding the stop/ go signs.  One of their number was hit by a vehicle yesterday.They heard he had been killed at first, but he’s just damaged badly & airlifted to Brisbane. They're quite concerned about the way some drivers seem maniacal, and not to read any of the signs saying it's time to slow down and wait at a stop go sign. I carefully obeyed the sign that said “Go Slow”; I don't think I went more than five kilometers an hour. The net causes its own set of problems. I had to go right off the road to allow three changes in traffic direction before I got from one side of it to the other. Some of the anomalies of life and the beauties too.

About 3:30 p.m. I saw that friendly policemen from Rolleston again coming back going back to Rolleston, & we wave to each other.

Amazing country flat with little Hills long a tall long grass or less than a meter High but probably five hundred and some 750 mm high with a little trees I'll take a photo of some to show you. A panorama of the landscape on the left. 

The cool breeze makes it a joy. The overcastness takes the biting edge off the sun. Almost idyllic conditions for walking. Thank you creative love, this has been delightful.

.I stopped for lunch about 12:30 for roughly an hour and then walked on. I’d only made about 13k to lunch. Not sure if I'll make 23 or 28 today probably will be 20 or so. it will take the full three days I'd say, to get to Springsure the way things are looking. It sounds like there's a pretty steep climb coming up tomorrow and the next day before I get to Springsure, up a range. It'll probably slow me down a fair bit  I'll probably stop tonight about five, or 5:30 at the latest, set up camp have some dinner and try and get to bed soon, and see what I can do to get up early tomorrow.  It looks overcast so it might not be too cold tonight we'll see. Have a good night sleep yourselves.

Might lose reception soon, I'm passing an aerial up into the sky. So I might try and post this now.

Wow I’m crossing a train line which looks electric! In the middle of outback Qld?

I wonder if it is a private one for a mine?

Hmmmm. Well there is a mine around here according to that sign.

& Yup! A coal dump on a private train line! Where road trains come & pick it up…(?)

@5pm I am about ⅓ of the way.

 If I want to catch the chemist in Springsure, I think it might shut at 4pm, so I might need to get in half an hour extra today, and half an hour tomorrow., to get there before it shuts, else wait till Emerald.

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