Friday 21 June 2024

Day 17 from 86km.. to ~58 km (from Rolleston)

Moving with trolley about 8am.Overcasy day, no frost or dew! A beautiful valley. High sides. White gums.trickling stream. I feel like singing…

“The song of the walking wonderer”... 

Then another cattle grid. Slowly slowly, right at the edge…

At 8:38am I find out I'm a bit over halfway:

Amazing escarpments to the right…

(ahh… the photo shrinks them, so you an get the bigger picture, but they're actually close and big… photos aren’t the same. You’ll just have to come along and see for yourself..

I love the phenomena of distant things appearing to move at a different rate with respect to closer things when you move) - parallax (if I’m understanding that word rightly).  Sometimes I watch the trees having races with each other..

If you didn’t already know which tree was further away than another, who won in a tree race would tell you which one was further! The same with mountains in the distance.

Must have run out of blog-consciousness here.

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