Thursday 18 July 2024

WalkingDay 39 (Thur, 18 July 2024CE; 120km - …km from Charters Towers)


WalkingDay 39 (Thur, 18 July 2024CE; 120km - …km from Charters Towers)

Up 6:30 to bird calls. I sit for and hour and a half thinking  In the Judaeo/Christian Scriptures (Torah), God, YaHWeH is  called "The Ancient of Days"...  But I am a "Recent of Days" & today's opportunity for me is..

Up at 8am… pack, eat, toilet, walk. Listening to a new translation by Robert Altar, of one of those old prophets of doom on selve-serving nations: Jeremiah. Not sure how Australia would stack up, or me. Well made me want to check my heart, not my rituals, or other religious observances.

About 11:30am I’d come ~9 km.

Just crossed over a lovely river (mostly sand), when I see a motor home coming down the road towards me. A lady comes out and sits on the car-guard-rail, & she says with a plastic takeaway meal in her hands, would you appreciate a coffee or a meal for tonight?  I said, what about both? She (Fiona), then told her husband (Frank) and they ushered me into their dining room for fresh coffee, rice crackers with freshly made humous, tomato, & onion. And we talked, & talked… what a lovely time.

Frank and Fiona from Adelaide, Port Noarlunga heading to the table+lands

By 12:30 they offered to take my trolley another 26km up the road, and share dinner with me at that end! 

Here they are with my trolley just fitting in their motor+home:


I stopped in for a daily toilet stop at the nice hybrid toilet a km up the road. Then at ~1:15pm I’m off again….


As I’m walking along, a road-train also going to Charters Towers slows down and pulls off to the side of the road when the other cars go past and I catch up he comes back and wants to chat. He's seen me the last few days twice a day as he travels on this road, and I don't have my trolley on me now have I ditched it? Am I ok? Do I need water? Glen Walker (Scottish - we might even be distant relatives??) Anyway he wants to give to Movember and help me out any way he can… even getting a face-book page?? How amazing! He mentioned Red Rooster and someone he knows with a motel who'd likely let me have it very cheap…

Thanks Glen! How thoughtful. 

Now I’ve just got to make the gravel pits in 11km. Nice to think of Fiona & Frank there too!

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