Wednesday 3 July 2024

Fourth Rest-day at Emerald and get in ~10km of walk (Wednesday, 3July; 2024CE)

The lovely gifts of common life continue .. reminds me of that story of “Ruth”, I was thinking about last night with old & new friends 

To day…

  • Finish trolley mods

  • Fix or replace wheel axle

  • Cull load

  • Wash clothes.. 

  • ready to leave tomorrow?

Finish off trolley adjustments to get a lower centre of gravity. Thanks for your great help and gear and screws , washers, nuts, etc. John. They are both skilled at asking good questions, not arguing, alternative ways to move forward. Many things I’d love to grow more in. Creative love, please grow these in me too. Thank you creative love for these your works of art - John & Mary Sefton. Thank you John & Mary for joining with creative love in your lovely gifts & services to me.

Fill the water containers. Just take the next step. One step at a time. Then around 3 pm I realise that I might get a couple of km of walking in (without the trolley) before sunset, and John agrees to pick me up wherever I am and to deliver me back there with my trolley tomorrow. So I can walk with out the trolley this afternoon might get a bit further and still have a lovely dinner with John and Mary tonight and take off soon as I can in the morning. 

I cross the railway line and Braydon, whom I sat next to at the “Shed Happens” night, pulled up on his way home from work, to say G’day & wish me well.

Thanks Braydon! Go well yourself too! How good.

Look & listen to Emerald as I walk through it…I recall some other old friends & neighbours from the past who now live in Emerald. This might be a good time to give them a ring.

John passes me at 5:30pm, does a U’ey when there’s room for it, and returns, stopping briefly on the highway to pick me up, and get going again. I’ve cut the 108km from their place to Clermont down to 98km, so who knows,it might be possible to make 98km in 3 days of 33km (instead of 4 of 25km), arriving Saturday night and still have Sunday as a rest day… that would be great.

Washing done. Shower. A delicious meal of sausages, vegies, and Yorkshire pudding. Last minute ideas for belts and harnesses. Then Tour de France highlights from yesterday, and watch the slow start of tonight’s. 

John has offered to drop me out there with my trolley in the morning. How good is that! We plan to put the trolley in the car at 7:20am.. I s'posed I need to set my alarm for 6:20am, dress, pack, breaky, goodbyes, and leave.

Then, does anyone know anyone in Clermont, who might have some back-yard space for a tent, who wouldn’t mind someone using their shower & Loo?

Good night.

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