Friday 19 July 2024

Walking Day 40, Friday19 July 2024.


Walking Day 40, Friday19 July 2024.

Up around 6:30, & onto the road soon after 7:10am.

I get to say G’day to Glenn Walker (the trucker from CT whom I met yesterday), as he is about to pass our camping spot at the gravel pits. 

I walk

On his way back with an empty truck, he pops in to take a photo, to stick on Social Media. He thinks we’ll be able to dig deep in Charters for Movember. And said to stay at his place for as many nights as I want. How beautiful. Thanks Glenn.

Meanwhile Fiona and Frank catch up and do a U-turn to offer breakfast and coffee.. Beautiful.. Like family. We talk about almost anything & ev’rything.

I walk on about 11am. But looking back… there's their van where they have fed me for coffee yesterday, gave me lunch for yesterday, fed me dinner last night, breakfast this morning, and have now given me a bag of fruit, and a frozen dinner for tonight that should be thawed by then. What a beautiful home away from home...

I hope we can meet up more, and offer them a place in Orange NSW. 

What an adventure, with walking partner as creative friendship..

I’ve been editing that poemish thing to remind me of where I need to head - learning to be an active listener rather than a re-active yabberer. From that ancient text by (or at least through the eyes of) a slightly jaded(?) Son of David who was goading people to see the meaninglessness or at least vaporous nature of life lived as Western culture mostly sees it, “under the sun”, in a basically self-refering Universe. (Not sure if he ever got back to a more meaningful view of the world or not, but another Son of David sorted that for us).

From a book called Kohelet (often translated as Ecclesiastes). I’ve quoted it's text that inspired my poemish thingo at the end in the Notes section, and tried singing the edited version as I walked this arvo, and put a link to the audio, (that should download if it doesn’t just play): it is called Get real..

Just before sunset, I pass this sign 

and pull up to decide what to do, and see if I could pitch a tent nearby & put me feet up. Joog rings me to say he must have missed me. Yup, just after I pulled off the road. He turns back and brings a power aid and a beer, and has one with me. I find out more about him, he’s from Georgetown up North, but moved down here to help his Dad & Granddad, married a local girl, & had 6 kids together.  And he’s been thinking, about my journey North, a lot of dirt roads with corrugations, and hundreds of km between towns with only a few trucks per day, unless I go through Townsville and up the coast through Cook Town then West. I’ll have to think about that in the next few days and get those maps out. Thanks Joog! (Missed a photo, till he was heading off..

 but really appreciated the beer together and I will appreciate the Powerade tomorrow.) And thanks to the designer of this world and Joog & me!

We say goodbye, and expect to meet again.

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