Tuesday 23 July 2024

Walking Day 43 (from St George)

Tuesday 23July2024

Cold shivering from 3am, so did some writing… and slept in till ~8am. Up, pack,

on the road ~9am, when the other campervan takes off too.

We’ll find out what a day might bring, & we

choose to bring to it on this day, I say.

But finding out comes not to us by speech

but by our actions, looks, and listens, eh?

Well, I haven't gone too long before a ute  pulls up beside me and a lady puts her head out the window and says "Paul?" I said "How do you know my name?" She responded that Glenn Walker was a mate..  Anyway this was Jane, whom Glenn said should be able to pick up my trolley today and take it into town for me. Well we took some water out to lighten the load, & got the trolley in her husband's ute (because her vehicle was T-boned yesterday). She took the blog address to help sponsor a worthy cause (@ the bottom of the page).

Thanks heaps Jane. And too, to creative extending friendship.

Before she's gone, Scotty who helped me out just after Clermont passed me driving back to town, did a u-turn and pulls up.  … gave me a wrap and a blueberry muffin to keep me going for the morning so that was a bit good. 

We chatted for a bit and caught up. He’s following the blog and helping where he can. Thanks Scotty! And thanks to keen observation and action.

At the truck weigh station pull over, I met John & Lynne from Bingara in NSW heading home… 

we talked for a while and had to keep moving . Thanks John & Lynne for your friendly reaching out. The world is more a home because of people’s actions like yours. And isn’t it a lovely home. Be good to look after it eh?

~12:40pm an encouraging sign…

though I might need to put my feet up soon..

After a break with feet up, & a km further, @

~1:40pm another puzzling sign:

Andy Grant from Deception Bay, and now Townsville, just filling up at a servo, as I was about to use the loo, struck up a conversation with me, 

then bought me a pie and two bottles of water, and gave me a heads up on a pack of dogs/dingos that came at him this morning on the way out from Townsville when he stopped on the road for a smoke. I’d better take this seriously..

I practiced drawing Andy. Hmmmm maybe 60%. For your friendliness, time, and pie and drinks; thanks! Thanks too to friendly ness and generosity that is shining out through this man.

When I arrived at the mobile servo/store where they had stored my trolley for the day, I thought to try their coffee, if Glenn gets one in the mornings there. Lovely. 

While sitting at the table a young woman walked past & said you must be the Walker, you've been all over face book. We talked for a bit, she wished me well. Then she gave me $50.00 for dinner, or one those causes (though she said she was feeling like death warmed up)..

Thanks. I think we'll make it $25.00 for The Bible Society, & $25.00 for Movember. What a reflection of generosity, & backing goodness & having-a-go-ness! 

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