Tuesday 30 July 2024

1st week of break

 (Tue 30/07/2025)

Due for camera (cystoscopy) to check site of cancer last year, in hospital this Arvo, in gown, on bed, checked and ready… 

but unexpected turns of events (needing extra time) with previous patients meant some had to draw the short straw and miss out today. I was one such person. Rats! But my same walking companion (thoughtful true-blue friendship) can be trusted in my old stomping grounds. So I am looking forward to what good will come despite my dashed expectations. It’s off to High School teaching for the next two days, then a busy community-based Friday.  No new date for the cystoscopy sorted yet. So no clearer vision for times in the future. We’ll soon learn by going into our future.. Yee Har! 

Tomorrow’s forecast for Orange: 

Look at the maximums through the sunny arvo. Cold winds the last few days

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