Friday 12 July 2024

Day 33(Friday,July12th'24) from ~73 km to .. (from Balyando Crossing Roadhouse (BCR))


.slept in till after 7am. On the road by 8:33am.

Thanks for the sleep I got last night away

from vampires of the wing’ed sort that suck

my blood, and in the daylight donor seem to stay.

So thanks for folk who make fly-screen. You rock!

A lovely time during the morning: looking, thinking, responding, then trying the art of wording…

Result so far: a song along the way today

Just before 11am a station-wagon pulled up beside me and a bloke and a lady ask “ You right! Everything ok? The car is covered in dust, at least one set of  hair is curly, somehow matching the smiles on their faces. Just checking in, and how i'm going. How delightful it is to be in this world with people like them. Not pushy, not assuming. Just finding out, and happy to move on. I hope we meet again.

Finding out that I’m ok, they move off, and I move on. Thanking them for stopping and saying gidday. And thanking creative friendship for making up friendly people like those two.

Walk, walk, put feet up, walk, drink, sweat, groan, nowhere to put feet up again, walk, make up a song on what I’m learning. Record it. 

Heading to look for a resting place on the next rise. Then  a truck stops in front of me, and Divan in high viz vest pops out, says G’day, & brings me a cold beer. 

Says they saw me 6 days back, on their way to a job, and wanted to give me a cold beer if I was still at it. I’m glad I hadn’t found a tree to hide under. He has to keep moving. The truck beeps. He brings me back another beer, and they drive off before I can get up to them. But I do catch the driver's reflection and shout thanks. He responds with a thumbs up.I enjoy a cold drink on a warm day…Thank you Divan. Thank you creative friendship! And the other blokes in the truck that didn’t stop Divan…

At the next rise I lay down for 45min till about 4pm.

There a fellow, Joog (Darren), had his (daughter’s) Ford Territory break down, on the road beside me, where I had my feet up on the trolley. After calling his son to come back - to collect him, we had a chin-wag about what I have been doing and a bit (though not so much) about what he was doing.

How good  that we met. He gave me advice for quicker ways after Charters. I think we’ll keep in touch too. In fact we loaded my trolley onto the back of his ute. He’ll drop it off as he passes me. He said to call him at Charters (he's off work on the weekends)  But there’ll be a bed and a cold beer for me, and a lift back to the highway. How good is that! Thanks Joog. & thanks to who made ‘im! See how we go. I’ve got to be back in Orange on the 29th of July, then if I can I might see how much further I can get before the wet season.

Another passer by in a high viz vest slows down checks I’m doing ok, and when he finds out I'm right he keeps going, and I do too. 

Thanks mate. And thanks to that bigger mate too.

Finally stopped at 8pm and made a camp among the mosquitos at

42 km to go to BCR. I wonder how fare I'll get till Annabelle (my daughter) & her hubby Matt get here. Well we might be able to eat at BCR, then drop me back to where I got to walk in under moonlight.

Hey thanks for the way rhis quarter moon is so bright, and will be about straight overhead the first part of the night. Very helpful, cooler, just lovely, it was tonight, and possibly tomorrow night too.

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