Thursday 18 July 2024

Day 37 Tuesday

 Problems puting up pics.   Have to wait till tonight

Day 37 Tuesday. During last night I got some time to work on learning “Get real” as a important need for me at this stage in my journey through life. Then they drop my trolley off at roughly 25 km further on from where we stopped yesterday, and came back to yesterday’s furthest spot, where they drop me off.  and i walk back towards the trolley, without having to tow it. I’m trying to make the 25 km & camp there for the night. 

A few pics as I go:

They drive off towards Surat & i'm on the road by 7:45 or 7:30 am. 

I download the book Thinking fast and slow and get  walking trying to recall this last few days because i forgot about them with Matt & Annabelle with me. Again “on my own” with my faithful walking companion of creative love. Thank you very much creative love, and there's the other humans with  creative love who have supported this journey. 

Listen to second half of Kohelet & Jeremiah from The Hebrew Bible translated by Robert Altar… amazing. Yeshua (Jesus), was certainly in this line of prophets.  

And then I turn Get Real into a song, record and put link to it on blog-site. During the Arvo I edited it to Draft 2. Hope to record tomorrow.

Pics as I go ..

~11:40am I arrived (with sore feet & toes) at this dam 

where I had fried rice for lunch, recorded poem as song, and coffee, till ~1pm.

Then walked on. Now singing Get real, & further editing it to Draft 2. Got to trolley and rested till 4pm. Then texted daughter and son-in-law who are travelling back. walked on

 through sunset to some moonlit walking (half moon high overhead) with flashing headlight when other vehicles came into view.  I made about 36 km for the day! ) after ~10 km from BCR, yesterday. Now 152km from Charters Towers (CT).

Thanks for the boost Annabelle & Matt with dropping the trolley off, to allow that. Thankyou too creative friendship for such a lovely gift as them, & that. Set up camp in a flat but near the road where two caravans were already set up for the night. Worked on writing the days’ events, ready to upload  if I get reception sometime tomorrow.

Good night.

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