Thursday 11 July 2024

Day 32 (Thur, July11th) from ~101 km to .. (from BCT)


Woke, to realise what a harrowing experience that welcome party was last night… though I had been readied somewhat from lunch on, and especially around dusk… (it had waned after sunset). Wrote it down on yesterday’s blog) then toileted, breakfasted, packed, and headed on the road by…(hopefully before 8:10am this morning).

Epilogue to Welcome Party…

I thank you now creative friendship for

the chance to have some sleep, and now awake.

I know sometimes us humans do feel sore

sore losers - to who chooses just to take.

Instead of asking first to share around

I did that with some pegs on clothes-line where

there seemed to be a lot. None could be found

to ask, and since that really seemed to care,

I thought they wouldn’t mind and took off three,

or two. I should have left a note, I see.

On the road by 8:08am.. found a hill with reception to post yesterday’s blog & the start of today's. Hope you (dear reader/listener) are having a great day/night! The pictures of this place lie. They don’t capture to beauty, not the tiresomeness, and fear of this place. . Australia… [or as those ignorant (yet speaking truly) Dutch (?) explorers called it “The Great South Land of the Holy Spirit”. Looking down from the hill I climbed, with my trolley bottom left (yes, sadly left whenever I can! - yet there dutifully in front of it, is the shadow of me taking the pic.)

Don't know if I get reception again today...

Walking, eating, talking, thinking, poeming… about our thoughts and God's thoughts.(1)

Half an hour break with feet up and put some blog up too, above (since there is reception here).

and then further to the above poeming (2) ) on knowing God's thoughts.

ol’ mate just stopped his truck to check on me, how I was going? Got enough? 

He’d seen me before. What the walk was for? When I told him there were 29 reasons, the tour off and tell people about are Movember (prostate cancer & men's mental health), & The Bible Society; two things people often ignore till it’s too late! He reached into his cabin and pulled out 

a COLD BANANA, and a tin of baked beans (that shouldn’t hurt anyone else with me). Thanks bloke! I think that’s my lunch! (Thanks too, my walking partner creative friendship! I can see you quietly at work!)

Stopped at a roadside rest area that had bore water, and was able to have a birdbath, and wash some clothes. How good that feels 

Con & Stan wander over to say G'day. They’ve been passing me for a few days/nights… they cart stuff to a big coal operation that helps us keep having electricity, I think. Thanks for coming over & introducing yourselves men. We agreed that we might see each other some more (over the next 30 km, when they turn off this road)

Michael responded to a question about where he was off to.

Exploring, back to Sydney mid August. Offered water etc. 

Thanks for your concern & interest.

Thanks a lot!

And “Thanks to you, creative love, or friend

whose energy is opening worlds to me

with these reflections, that might never end

or who might never end. We’ll have to see.

Your kids, that’s what we seem to me right now, 

with all the great potential that can mean.

There are some times when I do get bit down,

so same might be for them, or just might seem

that way. I’m glad that there have been some folk

who understood that “Thankful” is the clue,

and as we start to understand the joke,

and riddle, then we might look up to you. 

& just say “Thank you” for your many gifts,

and start to get to know you by that way,

You’re doing it in me, your presence lifts

me as a start to walk (not for the pay 

of money, but more for the gift that comes 

when people strike a friendly stance to folk

they meet along the way through life - when bums

or people more obscure join in this joke 

that’s serious “as all get out” as well.

We either draw folk in or push them out.

I s’pose that is the judgement that makes hell

an option for us - “We have pow’r to pout”.

I have this grumpy part in me as well,

or lazy, it just couldn't give a dang.

And so i ask you please help me to tell

it to get lost, or maybe see it hanged.

Tried the method of walking by moonlight (but turn on flashing head torch when cars come)lovely. By it I got in 28km instead of the 17km I had done by sunset. 

Listening to & singing with songs I’m trying to learn, and trying to keep up with poetry that was recorded as it was said, helps me. Put up the tent on some graded dirt amongst the same welcome party as I had last night a lot of dead bodies before the night was up, and bloody slaps, two were often knocked out in one slap. All amidst the buzz of excitement &:many friendly “kisses”.

.good night

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