Thursday 4 July 2024

Day 25.3, today from 98km from Clermont towards Clermont, (Thursday 4.July.’24

Day 25.3 (point 3 because I had 2 ¼ hr yesterday (without the trolley) today from 98km from Clermont towards Clermont, doubt I’ll make Capella.

Thursday 4.July.’24 

Said Good bye to these two who have looked after me so beautifully.

Thanks John & Mary Sefton!! Then John drove me to where I had walked to yesterday, & dropped me and the trolley off.

I started on the road at 8 a.m. John dropped me off at a truck stop truck pullover section of the road on the left and we've got the trolley out and I settled myself up and my backpack on the top of the toilet wave goodbye he prayed a blessing on me and we had it off and I had it off and he had it off after walking for about an hour or done four kilometers which is pretty good with this very heavy load behind me I think I'll have to pour out five or 10 liters of water it's just too heavy without a good reason to keep it going since I've got Capella in 40 kilometers from now. 

I've been listening to Ian McGilchrist’s tome, The Master and his Emissary, about the specialties & interactions of the two hemispheres of the human brain, and also to Ecclesiastes where the ancient ruler/ teacher/ writer seems to be trying to understand bigger meanings but by always confining his view to what's “under the sun” not letting himself reference something outside of this Universe, - and he finds that it's actually pretty meaningless. If the writer is Solomon, he is torn, for he’s had some sort of experience with god that brought his knowledge of God to another level of not just a knowledge of the existence of God, like a rock exists, but the knowledge of interacting with this God, in his own body and seeing God respond to his sacrifice in the temple when he built it; so he's kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. (The Hard Place being life without reference to God or putting yourself under his laws, and The Rock being God himself.. who is willing to smash, to decimate, and desicrate any special treasures, which get in the way for his real special treasures which are his children. For them to learn something he's willing to do anything to his stuff. 

Well that got me thinking about meaning and purpose and the experiences I've had of seeming to lose all meaning and purpose, which match with strokes or things that have happened to someone's right hemisphere and where their left hemisphere is trying to do that bigger job of discerning meaning and purpose (but it can't because it only lives within its virtual reality of the model it makes of the world that it can play forward and backwards, it only deals with the parts, aspects, and that sort of thing. It can’t perceive metaphor (at least not well) so I got me thinking about metaphors again… here’s some of my reflections, if that sort of thing interests you: what’s a meta for?

Around 10:30am I stopped for some of Mary’s coffee (in my thermos), a special energy log (made for bike riding adventures, and gifted to me this morning as John & Mary sent me on my way again). I took the chance to pour out 6 litres of water. That should lighten the load by 6 kg (I’ll keep the bottles for the leg to Charters Towers). And then put my feet up.

A bloke in a home delivery truck stopped to ask “You ok, buddy?” I responded, that I was fine. & thanked him for his thoughtfulness in stopping to check. What thoughtful folk out here. That’s sometimes why I stop where people can’t see me from the road. 

Up again at 11:15am... A mate from Canberra just found out that a friend from Uni days died 5 yrs ago from cancer… Started us thinking about keeping up with friends and catching up… and life after death etc…

It seems to depend on the world you live in. In my world the possibility of that is so good that it must be true. When we’re caught in a maze it can be fearful or fun, depending on the meta narrative you're living in. Yeshua is training me in what a maze meant to him…

John, from Ag ‘n’ Ver Rural, stopped to tighten his load, then saw my legs up under a tree, 

and thought I might be just a manikin, but reckoned he should check. He got a shock when it spoke. Asked me about what I was doing, and gave me $20 for what I was supporting: Movember or the Bible Society, “which” I said of both “people often ignored till it’s too late”…

 I’ll said I’d see if it could be shunted to Movember. - otherwise, I’ll guess I’ll get it to the Bible Society. Thanks John, for your concern. and for thinking of others as well. Yup Movember accepted the $20.00 & sent a receipt.

Two more fellows stop and check I’m ok. One said “I saw you this morning.” I make a point of thanking them for stopping & checking. They are bringing more humanity to the world through their action.

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