Friday 9 August 2024

Day two, of walking from Charters

(Towers; but was originally “Tors”, from the Celtic roots of its gold seeking ‘settlers’ - so, old Clemmy Archer tells me)

It's two something in the morning. Tears are streaming down my face as something sinks deeply into the core of this ‘solitary’ human in a small “two person” nylon tent tucked under a few trees on the side of a lonely road twenty something kilometers North of Charters Tors in outback Queensland. My invisible walking partner has been actually present, the whole time. Not “making” me understand, just a persistent, very personal, gracious, thoughtful, did I say persistent, continuous, on going, under-stated, underplayed, open for discovery, large fine-gold nugget, waiting to be tripped over. And now, as I try to write this I am bawling, yet still wanting to pen what I can of my experience. I know I will forget it, I will betray it. I don’t want to. In this few hours, days, months, years, one small life-time, I am understood. And I start to understand. Here, I try to hold or describe what is seeping into me, then a few birds start softly chirping in the imminent sunrise, a few vehicles roar up the road, and light starts seeping into my tent from much more than my phone. When I cover my phone, kookaburras start laughing, many smaller birds start twittering, this makeshift home is softly glowing, and I consider starting earlier today, to have time for a wash at “the Fletcher” before bed tonight.

I snooze for a bit, dress, pack up camp (between a few of those trees), nibble and on the road by soon after 8am .. 

What an adventure!

12:12pm Chris & his lady from Melbourne, heading slowly back, stopped to give me an ice-cold coke! How good is that! Thanks Chris.

Another car stopped & pulling in, Infront of us, to just check we were ok, and let another vehicle past us.

Another car stopped & pulling in, Infront of us, to just check we were ok, and let another vehicle past

Thanks for that you other folk too.

Thanks for the refreshment. This has got to be over-the-top!! Yee har! Woo ho har!!

I’ve been listening to some really weird stuff from a completely different world-view, that is making my head rock a bit. More in line with the “Eastern” & “Middle Eastern” honour-shame cultures. Maybe a bit like Australian Aboriginal culture too? -not sure, but it’s shaking me a bit, to experiment with seeing the world through different eyes. Very interesting. A bit destabilizing, at first. Fun to learn from Ezekiel (a prophet, from the Judeo-Christian scriptures), and my name’s-sake (Paul), a first century “Jewish Rabbi”, who identified Yeshua (Jesus), as their hoped for Messiah = Leader of Human-ness (with a different definition of “Leader” - think parent who leads at core by loving serving commitment, not by force of arms).

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