Saturday 24 August 2024

Day 17 (from Charters)

(Saturday 24Aug2024).

I awoke on the 17th Day (from Charters),  on the Western side of the road around here.

The plan for the next few days

According to Google maps, I’ve only got 14 km to go to The Junction rest area - soon after Highway 62 and Highway 1 merge. I’ll need to wash some clothes if I can (and filter some tank water from there), then if there was time I could even try and make another 5-10km, and let the washing dry on the trolley if it’s good weather, then camp somewhere near the road further up… or if Wes & Travis who are working on Sundowner wanted to join me for a drink after work, or collect me from wherever I make it to… something might work out… depending on their very busy schedules of 7 days work a week. Otherwise Sunday night I should be even closer to the property they’re working on.

I ambled along at about 3km an hour, looking, listening, thinking & making up rhymes. Since this is also a pilgrimage, it often seems to broaden to the spiritual life in general, but today it got more pointy, at first regarding me, but this has gone further, to identifying a problem, diagnosing, and a prognosis (in general)… for the Christian Church in Australia. (Ignore this one, if you’re not interested in that)

A 30 min break with my feet up around 10am. Then back into it.


There are kilometers and kilometers for weeks of walking now, where this ground-cover, creeper (weed?), has knocked out grass on the road-side, and sometimes appears to strangle trees (at least bow over many saplings, and even cover over their leaves. 

I’m wondering if it is the Parthenium Weed there have been signs about.

Where there is already shade from trees it doesn’t look too bad, it’s a darker green than the yellow-greem grasses. But it doesn’t look to be able to handle direct harsh sunlight so well. I don’t know what it is like as fodder for animals. 

It feels to be a kind of parable… (I'll have to find out more)

I got to The Junction rest area by about noon. After toileting, and filtering some tank water, and cooking up some noodles and making a coffee to dunk my ginger not biscuits in. I got to talk to Dad. Looks like he might be able to get a van, and if not we have Jane's offer of her ute. So he’s coming Tuesday morning. I’ll see if I can book a room in Mt. Garnet on Monday night.

Susan & Johnaton from Mt. Surprise walked over to say G’day while I was lying with my feet up on the chair of a picnic table at The Junction rest area. 

They asked if I had water, and checked on my tooth and pain killers and asked for my phone to keep in touch. All the best for your teeth too Susan, and your hip Johnaton. Thanks for your human concern and checking on another person. Makes me glad to be part of this human race.

I'll try to walk on 5 or 10 more km before camping tonight. Don't know how reception will be there. Well I'll find out by going and trying...

Peter, happy traveling at the moment, popped in to the 40 Mile Scrub picnic area while I was there going to the loo.  We had  a good talk .. and if he finishes his walk in time he might follow me a share a cold one  at the end of the day. May be we’ll camp near each other, or maybe not. He is heading the other way. 

Thanks for your time and the chance to connect Peter. And the source of thoughtfulness & generosity deserves to be acknowledged too. Thank you.

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