Friday 23 August 2024

Day 16 (from Charters)


I woke on the Eastern side of the road around here on the 16th Day (from Charters). Up at 5:35am, but not on the road till 7:15am.

Slightly sore tooth right, upper, gum (3rd from back).. started again brushing teeth, and used one of those little ‘bottle brushes’ for between teeth.. increasingly sore through the day till 1:15pm... But healing is at work too. Let's find out what happens, by looking, and feeling.

As I pass by at camp outside of fossicking area one of the fellows ask if i wanted a tea or coffee. I said I’d love one. He said, “But you’ll need your own cup.” I used the empty soup can from dinner last night, & had 2 coffees. Then they offered some breaky. I ended up accepting a bowl of Nutri-Grain  - lovely. We talked for about 3 hours. I drew a picture of each of them - for which they thanked me. It was fun. Russell said some amazing things about his story… which I should have recorded for all of you, I now realized. Rats. Here he was sitting as he told me:

Amazing to see what creative love has been doing in these other people’s lives too.

We talked for about 3 hours. Amazing to see what creative love has been doing in other people’s lives too.

Russell & Steve Garner are fossicking for sapphires at a fossicking area… 

@11:15am I started off again,

and was gone by 11:30am. Thanks Russell & Steve. Thanks too, to creative love, enfleshing itself in men like these two, with their definite co-operation.

This bloke pulled over just ahead of me and yelled out “Ya right mate?” On finding out that I was, just before taking off again he shouted out: “All the best!”

How amazing eh? I thanked him for checking though. And off we go.

A lovely time catching up with one of my sisters on the phone. Reception just kept on, so we did too. 

This afternoon my tooth is getting sorer - if I touch it with my tooth from below or if I chew on it at all. So, I composed a request, poem-ish prayer, psalm about it - to the creator spirit, my walking partner. The results might affect what I have to do in the next week. We’ll see by looking, and finding out! I wanted to walk until I’d finished this creative, honest, open request. But I’d also like tomorrow’s walk to be less than 20km, to get to The Junction rest area, where there is a toilet block and rain water I could walk myself (& maybe some clothes) with. 

I check on the map 

& at this spot..

it seems I’ve  got

only 16 (not a lot).

I’ll finish soon.

Maybe at that hill.

There’s roo bones gnawed

before it. So I will

go up the hill, 

and hope to stop

soon after, 

or else right on top!

At 6pm a dingo/dog

gives 2 long howls,

& up the hill I walk, not jog,

Interesting turn of events tonight… I talked with my Dad, who had planned to fly up, and hire a motor-home in Cairns, then come and travel with me early next week. But he couldn’t get a rental to hire him a biggish one, because he is over 78 yrs. So his agent will suss out smaller ones tomorrow with any companies that are open on Sat. But also my lovely lady’s good friend from school, a family friend has offered her ute for Dad to drive. We'll see what eventuates.

Also I was talking to my old doctor about my tooth ache and he reminded me that antibiotics sometimes ameliorate tooth aches till a dentist can fix it. And I happened to have one card of appropriate anti-biotic tablets with me. So I’ve taken the first tonight. I reread my “prayer/poem/Psalm thing” I guess that might do the trick until I can get to a dentist… it might give me 3-5 days of reprieve ... well, again …

Creative love, it’s over (still) to you.

I’ve acted where I could as you led to

some tasks that seem to be in my purview,

while still I trust your oversight renewed.

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