Tuesday 13 August 2024

Day 6 (from Charters)..

A walk sponsoring good causes where I can (MOVEmber & The Bible Society - see their QR codes at the very bottom), having a squiz at our country, and some internal journeying and learning too (a pilgrimage, it used to be called, you might have heard of the 'Camino de Santiago", millions have done it through Portugal & Spain. I though maybe we could do that in Australia too. We'll see.)

Join me by sponsoring, and reading, and commenting as you are able.

In the early hours I spend some time thinking about us humans acting to change the world each little choice we make. I am taking this body (& now this cart as well) towards Marpoon…

Then, it’s time to be on the road… “up & at ‘em”.

About 10:10am Fred & Anne from Nanango, stopped to say G’day for 10min or so, 

on their way through Charters to White Mountain Lookout towards Huendon. With van in tow. Then we wish each other safe travels and the capacity to enjoy these good things around… they say there’s a Telstra tower 50 km further on as I’m going, so should get better reception as I go. Thanks for your “hello”, and time to tune in a bit. And 

Whoever made them up and let them roam,

this far away from Nanango their home.

That they should think to say hello to me

and make this home more for humanity!

About 11:30am a sign of things to come:

It's a warm day. Feels like 24°C, but a cool breeze every now & then makes it not too sweaty as I walk.

A lady in this white van (below) stopped, wound the window down, and asked "All good?" On an affirmative reply, she checked "All good. Righteo." Wound the window up as she headed off.

I only had time to get in a "Thanks". She was heading one way, I was heading the other. But there's something special about humans checking in on each other with no sense of control or manipulation. Thank you lady.

I get to catch up with a good buddy from Uni days while I've got some reception and the hope of charging my phone battery tonight. We decided to try to contact each other every month or so. We miss some, but boy it's been a good practice.

Around 3:30pm I arrive at the Blue Water Springs Roadhouse, and the lady (Andy - short for Andria) says "Good News... A couple who (you don't know) came through a few days ago (who gave you some water), stopped in and said you'd probably be in soon, and they have fully paid for your room in a donga." She gives me the key and takes me round there. The air con. works.

Then she shows me the shower & toilet. Now I'm charging my phone and power bank.

HOW GOOD IS THAT! She didn't mention their names. I'll try to find out over dinner. I tried. No, he just said “Someone”. Thank you.someone.

Andrew Wakefield (Wakey) had a well-done steak like me. 

After dinner he shouted me a Magnum, and showed me his Cummins 650 triple cattle road train. 

After dinner, a few of us sat around a fire bucket and talked about anything and everything, and I dew a picture of Jack (on the left). Jim (on the right) gave me a beer. Thanks Jim!

Along with Anne (Jim's wife), and another mate who had a distinctively drawable face, and another lady (the other bloke went to bed at 7:30pm on the dot) we talked about many things and heard about the Diranbandy Pub (when they visited with two floods) & other stories from this group of mates from the Port Ferry region of Western Victoria. Then Jack got me another drink. Thanks Jack! A bit of a late night tonight. It's 11pm before I hit the sack. It’s been a lovely day. Thanks for your company, all those who joined me in it. 

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