Saturday 17 August 2024

Day 10 (from Charters)

Sat 17 Aug 2024

9:05am on the road…

About here:

We’ll see how things go, by observing through the day.

A ute stops & a young man who checked on me yesterday checked again that I was doing ok. And off we went again..

Thanks for your thoughtfulness. And the source of that.

Another ute & trailer coming from Greenvale stops to check that I’ve got enough water, & food. 

Thanks for thinking of another person. And stopping to check on how they are going. What keeps these qualities alive, and keeps them growing in humanity? They are lovely. Thanks to creative committed friendship.

These fellows said we might meet at the pub tonight. I hope so. But there might end up being other things they should do tonight. Again: “We’ll see (what happens in the day’s future), by looking (at the time).”

About 3pm another ol’bloke with a dog beside him, stopped, assessing me and my load.~ “I was gonna offer you a lift. But you’ve got too much gear.. - well it’s not far now anyway!” Thoughtful and honest. I like it. Thanks.

Around 3:30pm Craig Herring, who. I met at the Sale Yards in Charters, and then again a few days ago .. came striding out or his car with a smile and a good handshake. “I got nothing for you this time!” I responded that a smile & a handshake were good. He was running late and had to go somewhere else before home to Charter, so we said “Travel well.” & kept on..

Thanks Craig for tuning in. And for a reminder of the source of friendship itself.

At ~5:30pm… a welcome sign…

Thanks you folk of Greenvale. I appreciate your welcome. It has taken a while to come. I am glad you think it is well that I have come. I concur. And look forward to a bed, some tucker, and a day off here, before buying some groceries & heading off to the Lynd…

I arrive at the Three Rivers Hotel/Motel in time to have a cold drink, get my room, shower, dress and get to dinner by 7pm. Travis from two other times (with Wes. Wes arrived later, they introduced me to many others), was there, with some friends:

Back Row: Travis, Tom, 

Middle row: Riley(from Albury), Haley(sister of Wes),Leah (Sister of Travis); Taylor (from Atherton), & Tara from Hughenden

Front Row: Marcus (from Koolaburra), 

At the very back of the photo there was, from the Right: Carl & Bim, who let me draw them and donated $15 to Movember too. I think that the lady beside Bim, Shannon donated $20.00 (to either Movember or The Bible Society) too.

Bim was especially interested in the walk and what motivated me, and dug down (probably deeper than anyone-else), and they shouted me drinks a number of times. Carl is working on a big power-line nearby. Over in Australia, around here, for the rest of the year, maybe up to Feb next year. Thanks, you two, for your company. 

Outside we have:

Wes & Jacob. Wes also shouted me a drink. Thanks mate.

I met a Mystery Box car rally crew, well part thereof, who were meeting up with an old friend at the pub, before they were heading on to the Oasis Road house. The traveling photographer “Nate” from Mystery Box donated $20.00 to the Movember cause. Thanks Nate. I hope the Mystery box helps with financing the help with and research into cancer too..

We had a bit of fun drawing…  I tried to draw Marcus:

as he drew me:

Haley has offered to collect my trolley before 6am on Monday morning, and drop it ahead to aid me getting further in the day. That will be marvelous, if we can work it well. I should make it to the Oasis in two days instead of three, at that rate. Thanks for your offer Haley.

And Wes will see about driving out and collecting me from the highway to have a meal & a night together when I’m getting close to Mt Garnet, near Sundowner. That might be a help there too. I won’t hold you to it, but it would be lovely if it worked out that way. ’Specially if I miscalculated food and water for that long stretch. 

Either way, safe traveling tomorrow, all you folk who are mustering and camp drafting. Thank you creative hesed-love* for such a rich day. 

*   hesed = Hebrew for covenant or commitment love (not for money, though many rewards go with it; the real thing that holds it together is (one, or both of their internal commitment, their word) e.g. spouse love, parent-child love, or a committed childhood friendship.

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