Monday 19 August 2024

Day 12 (from Charters)

Day 12 (from Charters)

Monday 19 Aug 2024, 

The trolley is to be picked up by Haley & her crew tomorrow morning at ~5:55am at Room 1 of the Three Rivers Hotel. I'll try to take off then too to give myself a chance of making extra km’s tomorrow without the trolley. 

Yup, it happens.They arrive, all pick up the trolley, and tie it in to the truck for me. Here they are, with the trolley up in the back of the truck behind them, (from the left, Marcus, Haley, Tom, & Riley, 

all intrepid workers at the Condon contract mustering mob. Thanks folk. Thanks too, Mr.Condon for your support through their efforts.

Shortly after, I take off eating a can of chunky beef soup as breaky, wake goodbye to Elias who is opening up the servo in the corner, and “We’re off!” (& in that moment, of waving to Elias and turning to walk onto the highway, a change in perspective happens inside me with a change from a "Left" Hemisphere's way of using language and seeing the world, to a "Right" one. (Too much to explain here, but over a cuppa or a cold one it might work)

First sign of the trip ahead:


Well, CMA members, I got to Hill-Top but I haven’t seen “the glove” to wave to ( or the tip sign) Maybe I was looking down at my phone as I passed it, writing up the mornings events. I hope you don’t feel disrespected Ron (was it you?). ( Or maybe it’s yet to come?)

It sure was yet to come…but the glove - ah

could not descry, or somehow uncover.

So waved I backwards at the town & folks

who’d welcomed me (including you three blokes).

I’m off today! Some think that’s always true.

But they might also think that about you.

And what we say’s not big. It’s what we do,

that flies the flag of fake, or what's true blue.

I hope we meet again, & know we could.

Of all that ranges between “N” & “P” 

you’ll find the range that starts with O quite good

for finding walkers, talkers, even me.

And someone’s got my phone number, I'm sure!

There’s one or two of you, as well as “Mike”,

who comes from Greenvale, & who’s age is more

like all of yours. Just drive, instead of hike.

This morning, a poem is drawn out [following & forming (simultaneously) the thread] as part of my road-work: P i l  g r i m  ROAD-WORK.

After a break with my feet up, and before I get onto the road again, at 1:15pm who should be travelling past (the opposite way to me) but George, my lunch provider ~four days ago, on his way back to Charters Towers.. He sees me as he passed, slows down, stops, (backs up?) gets out, I realize it's him, and he sets up a sumptuous feast on a table under a tree, 

and we take off where we left off… 

at 3pm, we head off in different directions, but glad of our amazing similarities and differences. And richer for the time together. Thanks for making that work George! And thanks to who made George work so well. Thanks to this amazing ecosystem of contributors…

Around 4:30pm I come across this sign, on my right:

a sign of something that divides the Eastern shores from the hinterland. I think I might be back here on the Great Dividing Range if I get to the Atherton table-land.

About 5:30pm, before sunset I get to the trolley. Yee Har!...

Rats! …. 

The front towing assemblage has broken though, and it only tows for 20m then the body is dragging on the front wheels. It needs three welds, (or tech. screws etc).. Either back in Greenvale, or forward at the Oasis Roadhouse… I don’t have any phone reception. 

Trolley problems

Above, after the green tow handle, the grey/brown bar under the yellow cup, is horizontal when it works.

Above, the two pressed steel legs and the central round pivot point are normally vertical.. and the flat iron going backwards from the bottom of the pivot point should go on an angle up. It has snapped, and needs welding.

Above, the flat iron to the left of my finger needs to be bent back horizontal and welded to a piece of flat iron now slightly behind it. None should be too difficult for a reasonable welder. I am only a bush (stick) welder, who needs to grind back half of my work and fill it in again, but could possibly do it - then again, I didn’t bring a portable welder… they are pretty heavy.

Creative mateship, my walking partner, this is over to you! Though I suppose I can look out for the truck that dropped it off for me. They will probably be coming back after sunset. They might know welders around in Greenvale, or the Oasis Roadhouse? Or maybe they could give me a lift back, and then maybe back in the morning… or collect it again in the morning from here, then gently place it at the Oasis Roadhouse, & I'll see what I can sort out tomorrow arvo, when I walk there. What an adventure! 

Dan Condon was driving the truck, and stopped to talk. They’d had some difficulties today too. Yup he was pretty sure that the Oasis Roadhouse would have a welder, and the Condon truck could still drop the trolley off there for me in the morning. Thanks, you legends! 

I’ll sort out something there at the Oasis, you folk have helped. And I’m glad of that. (Everything has a use-by date, well a life-time. And trolleys are no different)

Right here is where I'll camp for the night.

That’s the full moon. (I've got the tent inside out to dry the inside off a bit. I’m about to turn it back the right way.)

Good night 

Good night 

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