Tuesday 20 August 2024

Day 13 (from Charters)

Tuesday 20 Aug ’24, 

Sure enough true to their word, soon after 6am the truck arrived and we lifted the trolley into the truck, 

and Dan said that they’ll call in tonight on the way back and check if the Oasis has got a welder & could do the job & if it hasn't he knows a young bloke (on a property?) nearby who could probably weld it for us. So that's a pretty good option opened now isn’t it! Thanks Dan. Thanks Haley for the offer at first, then following through with the offer by in fact collecting it, and then thinking how you could do it the next day, & now helping it to happen. You are a legend! I’m glad families and work places exist where friendliness and following through still grows. What a lovely garden to go through on a walk like this. Go well at work today. I hope it’s better than yesterday.

What a lovely overcast day for walking here…

I arrive at the Lynd, and one fellow about to leave shares a bit of water-mellon. Another man, John from Melbourne and his family stopped for lunch and then head up to the Atherton table-land & 

maybe Cooktown before heading back in a month or two.

The trolley made it here. Debbie (the manager), asked me if I was doing the walk for cancer? I said Movember, so she said she would shout me a rump steak for dinner, chips & salad, and mushroom sauce. How good is that? She said there may be a welder (the machine) in the shed, but the handyman (who is a boilermaker), won’t be back till tomorrow lunch. 

Creative friendship’s source….. over to you. 

I’ll have to take the gear out of the trolley and see what can & can’t be done…

Then I ordered dinner early to try to be finished (& I nearly was), by the time the Condon truck came by. Well. Dan Condon and Tara (from Hughenden) popped in around 5:30pm or 6pm, took the trolley and me, to a nearby farm, borrowed their MIG welder and gear,  and he welded up all three of the breaks in the frame..  [Photo supplied by Tara (from Hughenden) - Thanks Tara]

by 7pm we were back at the Oasis Roadhouse, and Dan had said that the same truck that had taken the trolley the last 2 days would be here at 6:30 (I said I'd be ready by 6:20am) that way I’d get another 5 or ten km in tomorrow too. Too good eh!! I recalled that old adage “It’s not what you know, but WHO you know. And Dan agreed, for everything in life. Interesting repercussions eh..

I celebrated by having a drink with Debbie (the Manager, who had shouted me a rump steak, chips & salad, from the business) & Corey Lowrie who was there with me before I went to see the trolley fixed, and was just having a quiet one after dinner himself. He let me have a go at drawing him, while he told me about growing up on Bribie Island, hating school, and first jobs. How fun.

And thank you to the source of life and learning, and such good things as camaraderie, and mateship, and all of you people who have fostered it's life in the human race today!

I’ve got to screw back on the boards that let me carry a layer of water below the trolley, and pack it, so I’m not making too much noise in the morning. Then a night cap or cup of tea and off to bed. What an eventful day. And how fun to see things come together after they had fallen apart.. this might demand a poem-ish reflection tonight or tomorrow, in my breaks.

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