Saturday 31 August 2024

Day 24 (from Charters) Saturday


Woke about 6am and filled the campervan tank with bore water. Helen offered me coffee, & I toileted, and talked with her man Shane, 

and another traveller Dawn. Got to draw both Dawn & Shane. Thanks for your company. Friendly connecting! An amazing gift to the world. Lovely to be the recipient of it, & to be able to participate in it. Thanks to the source of it.

On the road around 7:40am. A parting picture of the railway “station” at Petford (over the road from the phone box):

Before 8 am I am told:

Thes days are getting hotter! I’d like to make it the 33km to Dimbula, but we might have to camp where-ever we can get reception on the way. We’ll see - by looking as we go. 

Might tune in to some of that story of the world’s most influential tradie/ teacher/ philosopher/ new culture liver-out-er-er. .. if this walk is to remain a pilgrimage as well. 

I hope Dad takes his time today, but can catch up with breaky by about 10am. We’ll see. What an adventure.

But the scenery and it's stories keep breaking in too:

And this little plaque tells a story about  people doing the same trip as me to “the tip”, but 150 years ago…past this spot… (& dying on the trip, because people with differing understandings of our world, and our place in it existed then too). The middle of this plaque, the story, is to me the most interesting… but here is a closeup of the maps drawn on the sides:



The road goes ever on…

It’s a dry old land. But the water that falls down & hangs around is valued even more, makes its presence felt, & what makes all the difference:

closer up..

In this external terrain, It seems like good water, it's safe storage and dissimilation, and then these good roads which allow people to connect and connect others with their commodities, & thus also, along with phone lines and satellite links, to have good communication, (which allows connections of thoughts & feelings, if not embodiedly/physically), and that they are what makes the land live-able in, and usable  by humans. Then there is also the internal terrain, the human culture, which enables the humans to live with the land, and with each other. 

I realise again that this is a walk/ pilgrimage to see these different kinds of existence, and life. True, there is much stuffed up, thoughtlessly done, and at times that is ruinous; but, there is also very much good left in this country (meaning both the physical place and how it's been affected - as it stands now, and the people who inhabit it, and have affected it, and their orientation towards it & others now.

We stopped for a “breaky break” with my feet up, from ~11:15am ~12noon (?) then I walked on to get a few more km before the hottest part of the day..

The smiling old chap in this ute who lives back along the way I’m coming from, hasn't”t been to Mareeba for supplies for two months, so today is the day. He stopped & we talked for a bit. He drew my attention to the cycads in the forest, as well as the panda as all the bush around here. On finding where I’d come from, (&, I think, sussing out my attitude, he checked I was ok and had water/ or a supporter, and off we go again. 

We didn't even exchange names, but we left friendly to each other. Thanks bloke! And thanks to the source of blokes like him.

Wow, Dad went ahead 6.6km as my support and found a lovely clear running creek with a sandy bottom. I took my belt and shoes off, had a dip and scrubbed my clothes & body. More vans pulled up under the trees as we had an arvo snooze till about 4pm. Then we shared a document I had been working on via  Bluetooth and I filled up my water, got some snacks and headed off.

Looking back the campervan on the right is ours. 

My support crew (Dad) will head off to Dimbulah to see if we can stay at a van park or somewhere else, and work out dinner, I hope. Then either drive back and let me know if there is still no phone coverage, or park obvious in the main street.

Old Bruce, standing in his front yard, called out and I crossed the road.  He is going on 83yrs, & told me stories about how he got his pocket-money: wallabies could get 5 guines for two ears, pigs could get 10, red-billed swamp birds would get 5 shillings from the sugar-mill, because they’d pick out the eyes of the cane. We talked for 20-30 min and I got in a line drawing of him, as a momento. Thanks for your friendliness & willingness to call out and make contact old Bruce. And for those who have affected a culture that produces blokes like Bruce.

By 6:50pm I am being welcomed to the town I was hoping to make it to.

And Dad has sorted something for a place to stay tonight (&maybe tomorrow night too if I have Sunday off this week) He is poised to order dinner at the pub. So I’ll ring him.

At the Dimbulah pub - the Junction Hotel we had  some great drinks and meals. We did 3 or 4 fun-drawings of other patrons 

& Eddie (on the left) gave $20 to aid November's work. Thanks Eddie. 

My support crew (Dad) & I were given a powered site for Dad's campervan by kind staff. Thanks to you folk, and the owners! And thanks to all who have aided strangers and wayfarers going past in a generous spirit!

Day 23 (from Charters) Fri 30Aug2024


Up @6, but loo and filling in yesterday’s blog took a while… I’m on the road by…6:45am and the plan is for Dad to come along at 8:30am to find me for our breaky…

Thanks to creative-family-kind-of-love, the source of all thoughtful mateship, I am looking forward to this day…. (After I get going, I look up the map … 32km from our camping spot to the “thriving metropolis” of Petford (well, it has, that can be seen from its centre, one house and its own Railway siding).

 Up the hill a bit, I look back to where our camp was (on the right) beside the creek (that I crossed over last night). No phone coverage here, & I didn't hear one car last night.

I hope Dad can catch the next 1½ hr sleep (He needs it).   

@8:45am a four-wheel drive camping ute passes on the road from behind.

I meet some intrepid cyclists on this road:

They stayed at Petford at the Old School (Helen & Shane’s) last night. They made sense of this road for me… a rail trail turned road, and now turning into a NQ pioneer biking trail… thanks for shocking me back to reality Lindsey & Leonie.

Then we were off again…

Thanks for your friendly comraderie, and knowledge & advice! And thanks too, to  the source of such good qualities!

Dad arrived around 11am. He was so tired that he had woken at his alarm and gone back to sleep. Lindsey and his wife had seen him on the road, rushing to try and catch up to me quickly. We stopped for 2 hrs & had a lovely lunch. We are still learning ways of honouring each other, given differences in experience, temperament and thought etc

Help us please (especially me) to be thoughtful, and not putting someone down for saying & acting differently. Boy, am I glad for the Universe, that I am not the judge, arbiter, or ruler.

Yappa from Lappa, and Donny the Salmon in the Lappa Luxury, say “Luxurious accommodation and gourmet food are all you get here!” And Keep away!

After saying Goodbye to Yappa & Donny, I gladly receive i copy of yep is most recent book of poetry, & walk on. 

Justbefor 7pm I come to a sign of the closeness of my destination. 

Dad is snoozing (I hope) at the accommodation with camping spots we’re booked into.

No! As I pass the Petford phone-booth, I recognise the person in it…

it is my Father inside it… trying to fix up a phone/wifi related issue. Otherwise, no phone coverage in town. They’ll ring back on the pay phone by 8:15pm.

Well, 31 or 32km today….

What an amazing day. Thank you to everyone who made it so friendly, so livable.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Day 22 (from Charters)

Day 22 (from Charters) [Thurs 29/8/2024]

  • 7am- rise. Pack trolley and gear into van, 

  • 7:30- breaky, 

  • 8am- to last walking point, where Ric picked me up from on Tuesday arvo at ~6:15pm (near Mt.G. golf-course turn-off).

Woke early and had some time for reflection. Felt like I was led along a route for ..assessing my own cultural & subcultural practices and priorities. While I am connecting daily with my Dad, (& maybe others, whom I have been talking with) this might be a good time to come up with helpful tools to aid in the development & transmission of hope, thoughtful, and committed altruism, and faithfulness. Both “tools”, & “tool-making processes”. 

(This won’t interest most people and it is probably a function of my age, & personality, and stage, and life-style choices, & situation on a walk that is also a pilgrimage)

9:10am a welcome sign. 

So I did walk to Mt. Garnet, even though I am now planning to turn left at Nymbool Rd. before the bridge that appears to be the start of most of the  houses & businesses.

repeat…                              repeat…

And that’s a rest area with parking space for trucks behind the LH sign,

Right on the corner of the Highway & Nymbool road., with a toilet/shower, complex with beautiful drinkable water.

Up Nymbool Road, I go talking on the phone to my sister who rang to say G’day. We have talked more recently, because she has broken both wrists and I am walking… Thanks Shell… and the maker of family! Then Adrian said to pop into his Gallery (which is presently for sale) for a cuppa. So here I am, just before 10am.

A lovely cuppa at his house over the road and down the hill a bit. Then onto this amazing road again.

Day 21 (from Charters) [no walking - Wed 28/8/2024]

 Day 21 (from Charters) [Wed 28/8/2024]

A trip with my Dad in a motor home to  a dentist at Atherton, then back to Mt. Garnet through Dimbula, & Petford, then through the  Listening & Talking all the way, and trying to decide on which way to go tomorrow.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Day 20 (from Charters)

Tuesday 27Aug2024

Due to get 40 km today if possible, so an early start.

Thanks to Ric’s generosity I got to the front gate of “Sundown” by 6:45am, and waved “Goodbye” to Ric before picking up my two walking sticks (straight, and curved).

200 m up the road we come close to Sugarbag yards.

A business opportunity [which I am learning can be a real service to the community, with the hard work to keep ticks out of this area, and the need to dip, (and spell the cattle?)]

Time to text and blog and some phone calling while reception remains.

My ol' dad thinks he's swung a deal with a NZ company, (playing the cards of nimble-ness & having a  responsible HR driving licence),  to hire a motorhome in Cairns today. 

We should know by about 10 this morning. 

Dad’s flight is delayed by over an hour…

Lunch time, I pass this sign and decide to try to get 1 or two more km under my belt, but

after half a km, Ric comes along with a surprise lunch of steak and a cold drink. How good. Thanks Ric. Thanks to the maker of all Rics.

Some time listening to and kind of “chanting” Ancient Near East proverbs, to get another world-view, the mindset of ancient cultures into me, to have an alternative to my birth culture obtained from late 20th Century Western civilization.

4:30pm a sign of progress:

Wow, how amazing to have mobile phones. Got to meet a new acquaintance, and talk with one of my son's for 30 min each…

Ric came and picked me up about 6:20pm. He had cooked a lovely spag Bol, so as soon as my Dad arrived around 7pm, we tucked in. Delish!

Thanks Ric, for the lift, and for dinner, and for the fire..

Thanks to the source of the loveliness of food, the added dimension that considerate-ness and friendship add to life, and the goodness of design and carefully planning with appropriate broadness, so as to maintain maximum flexibility. What a good job!

Monday 26 August 2024

Day 19 (from Charters)

Day 19 (from Charters)

Slept in till soon after 7am. Dress, breaky, play piano out in the hall where a honkey-tonk piano waited. Helped Rheta look for glasses and hair brush lost yesterday. Then Adrian and Lydell arrived in a ute to take me out to the spot I stopped at yesterday, where I left my trolley. It was still there, so we had coffee together at Pinarendi Station Van park & cafe. We talked, looked in the garden…

and previewed a YouTube video clip on interpreting various ancient literature, and I drew Adrian (& Lyndell), whom I missed doing yesterday:

Then we went back to the trolley, and loaded it onto the ute & they sent me walking on my way before lunch.

I got to talk with some family members on the phone. Thank you Shell, and Mill; and whoever thought up family.

Before I had gone 10 km. A Ford Transit van slowed and James’ cheery face peered out, keen to catch up, and show me his pioneering vehicle … Australia’s first Recreational e-vehicle - an electric Ford Transit van, 

being decked out for camping. He offered me a cold ginger beer, and we shared the cold pizza I got for lunch at the Pinarendi Station. We could have talked for hours more. 

And spoke of catching up again. Thanks James for your partnership with generous hospitality and open hearted sharing. And, thanks to generosity, hospitality & openness for embodying yourselves in James.

At 5pm I come across a sign:

At 5:12pm arrive at …. On the right:

and on my left:

Well, I went with Travis in the truck,and Ric followed in his car. I was the gate opener/closer. We had some cold end-of-the-day drinks, heard some stories, & I drew pictures. Then the family on Sundown invited Ric & I to join them for a delicious steak dinner and an apple crumble & ice-cream dessert. What a feast. Thanks to Grant and Leola for including me & Ric too. (Left to Right these are: Ric, Lexie, Regan, Grant, Beau, Leola)

We got a few more drawings and other pictures in. 

From L to R, above there was Ric, who was my transport. Thanks Ric. Then me and Travis, with Wes in front (you wouldn’t believe he was 61 would you?). Kieran & Robert managed to escape from all photos. (Kieran arrived at his desired aim by offering to take our photos - smart one!) Thanks for your company too, men.

I feel a special comraderie with Travis & Wes (& Wes’ family). They have shown true mateship to me, while I’m doing something that probably seems quite weird to them. Thanks you blokes, and your family members, like Wes’s sister, Haley & Trav’s sister Leah, and some other workers with them. I hope we see each other more on this planet.

As we were leaving, Beau offered one of his recent pictures to me, as I had done to him.

How special! Thanks. I'll share it here:

I commented on the bowl. Can you guess why the bowl near the dog (and turtle) has the name “Garry” on it?...

Well… as was told me, all the animals the find on their property are named “Garry”, there’s “Garry dog”, “Garry snake” etc

Sunday 25 August 2024

Day 18 (from Charters)


Sunday 25th August 2024

2 am… next step in Tooth truth - 2!

Then try sending an email to a personal email of a contact of a local Mount Garnet church. No other contacts for this town are coming up…

Turned on Facebook again, and sent a message to their Facebook acct too. Back to sleep by ~4:15am.

8:45am leaving camp… back “on the road again”..

I might get a call from a church in Mt. Garnet… I try to connect with any who are contactable as I can send emails or find numbers & texts for. I’ll try to answer anyone who rings… I can see what might be (or might not be) a mobile phone tower ahead… 

Wow, the (white?) ant nests I've been seeing yesterday & today are 2-10 times the size of those everywhere before:

These are medium sized. Some are the size of a little Hyundai or Kia.

This looks about 3m tall…

Well seems like there is a very small Catholic church “the holy rosary”, and only one other church left in Mt. Garnet, an AOG. And lots of Aboriginals keep it going. Adrian from there just said that he's a bit under the pump, but Rick is on his way to get me and take me to church this morning. Heh, heh. How good! 

By the look of those tall flapping flags coming up, I’m nearly up to a farm stay/cafe on my right, starting with P. Maybe I should try to leave the trolley there? 

Saturday 24 August 2024

Day 17 (from Charters)

(Saturday 24Aug2024).

I awoke on the 17th Day (from Charters),  on the Western side of the road around here.

The plan for the next few days

According to Google maps, I’ve only got 14 km to go to The Junction rest area - soon after Highway 62 and Highway 1 merge. I’ll need to wash some clothes if I can (and filter some tank water from there), then if there was time I could even try and make another 5-10km, and let the washing dry on the trolley if it’s good weather, then camp somewhere near the road further up… or if Wes & Travis who are working on Sundowner wanted to join me for a drink after work, or collect me from wherever I make it to… something might work out… depending on their very busy schedules of 7 days work a week. Otherwise Sunday night I should be even closer to the property they’re working on.

I ambled along at about 3km an hour, looking, listening, thinking & making up rhymes. Since this is also a pilgrimage, it often seems to broaden to the spiritual life in general, but today it got more pointy, at first regarding me, but this has gone further, to identifying a problem, diagnosing, and a prognosis (in general)… for the Christian Church in Australia. (Ignore this one, if you’re not interested in that)

A 30 min break with my feet up around 10am. Then back into it.


There are kilometers and kilometers for weeks of walking now, where this ground-cover, creeper (weed?), has knocked out grass on the road-side, and sometimes appears to strangle trees (at least bow over many saplings, and even cover over their leaves. 

I’m wondering if it is the Parthenium Weed there have been signs about.

Where there is already shade from trees it doesn’t look too bad, it’s a darker green than the yellow-greem grasses. But it doesn’t look to be able to handle direct harsh sunlight so well. I don’t know what it is like as fodder for animals. 

It feels to be a kind of parable… (I'll have to find out more)

I got to The Junction rest area by about noon. After toileting, and filtering some tank water, and cooking up some noodles and making a coffee to dunk my ginger not biscuits in. I got to talk to Dad. Looks like he might be able to get a van, and if not we have Jane's offer of her ute. So he’s coming Tuesday morning. I’ll see if I can book a room in Mt. Garnet on Monday night.

Susan & Johnaton from Mt. Surprise walked over to say G’day while I was lying with my feet up on the chair of a picnic table at The Junction rest area. 

They asked if I had water, and checked on my tooth and pain killers and asked for my phone to keep in touch. All the best for your teeth too Susan, and your hip Johnaton. Thanks for your human concern and checking on another person. Makes me glad to be part of this human race.

I'll try to walk on 5 or 10 more km before camping tonight. Don't know how reception will be there. Well I'll find out by going and trying...

Peter, happy traveling at the moment, popped in to the 40 Mile Scrub picnic area while I was there going to the loo.  We had  a good talk .. and if he finishes his walk in time he might follow me a share a cold one  at the end of the day. May be we’ll camp near each other, or maybe not. He is heading the other way. 

Thanks for your time and the chance to connect Peter. And the source of thoughtfulness & generosity deserves to be acknowledged too. Thank you.