Monday 29 August 2022


Got a few dry coughs last night, then more on a car trip this morning. PCR this arvo says I'm RSV negative, and Flue negative. But COVID 19 POSITIVE.


Just working out who else in the household might have it, and where I can be isolated...

Creative love might seem to have left, but I don't believe that for one second!

Apparently, some of the most important causal elements in the world can be, for various reasons, invisible to people at any  given time, but can still be present, effective, and affective e.g. 

  • Parents to a human being en utero.

  • Our own brains (before scans were developed)

  • Friendship,  jealousy …

  • Hatred, vengeance …

  • Unconditional positive regard

  • Civic duty

  • Treason etc.

Why not the same for creative love within a Universe where adventure, and choice can occur as well? In fact that makes the most sense to me!

Some reflections on this…

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