Saturday 6 August 2022

Saturday6Aug2022CE, toward-er the border..

Some meditating on theological questions some religious people have thrown up when they hear that you are talking about creative love in a way that sounds like you might believe in a God. It appears to me that sometimes we Westerners focus on words and definitions, rather than clear thinking, good analogies that will aid us in real understanding, and obedience (experimentation, trial and error). This one is called making our way through the quagmire of sin.

(Don't read it unless that sort of thing interests you).

Hopefully no rain today. 

Dress, off to get a pie or something quick, then try to get a lift to where I stopped off yesterday, to keep walking towards Mungindi today. Nice if I could make 33km today, then get another lift back to the pub here. Then I'll give walking a miss tomorrow.

No traffic so I started walking from the Garah genersl store with my thumb out. I worked out after a number of pass bys, that it might be a good idea  to have a sign that says "8km down road only". Well soon after that a bloke towing a caravan (off to go fishing) pulled up to help, but i must have got my map co-ordinates wrong and had to guess. I was a bit fearful of going too far, and as a result was dropped of about 5km too early, which meant i still had an hour of retracing my steps. A pity! It's made me decide to learn and then learn hiw to drop a pin where I am on the map properly, so this doesn't happen heaps more.

A good time on the phone tuning in with my good woman for an hour.

Now it's time to listen to one of 3 books I am hearing as audio books.

Great. Listened to one chapter of "War of words", great for addressing your the heart of the matter for communicating with people who get on your goat (which is probably everyone, even yourself, at some time). And one by Viktor Frankle  who was a neurologist and psychiatrist  who went through 5 concentration camps during the Second World War, and lived. "Yes to Life! In spite of everything." Amazing lessons on what gives people meaning in life, and how important it ultimately is to sort out your meaning in life.

I rang a mate once I got to Weemelah 


which was about 30 km from Mungindi. I figured I may as well walk on in the direction I need to go, than walk back the 30km to Garah. But this was trusting that I could get a lift back on Saturday evening. We kept talking as I walked on, and I would show my sign "Garah" to the people who were going that way. I walked into the moonlight night. I told creative love about what it appeared that I needed, and decided to simply trust creative love. Creative love had come up with the goods so far. 


Never-the-less, it was getting cold, and there were less and less vehicles. And they just drove past. 


Finally i said to my mate on the phone that I'd better go. He said he'd pray for me. Thanks Randall.  

I thought that though I had 23km to go to get to Mungindi, I'd better see if there was any accomodation available. There wasn't. It is the show weekend. But by about 7:10pm I thought I'd better try any vehicle going any way. I had a small chocolate, but had run out of muslie bars, trailmix, and water. 

A black van going through Mungindi, stopped for me. As I was about to drop a pin on the Google map where I was, a truck came along the other way, and started to slow down. The van driver said maybe we can get you a lift on it, to Garah. I said "Worth a try." but I wasn't hopeful, trucks these days don't seem to pick up people. But the Van fellow asked him & the truckbdriver said " Ok" and I went to get my day pack and jump in. I thanked the two men in the van. The older one said something about "the Lord must be looking after you." I agreed, we were brothers from another mother. I took a quick picture of them for the blog. 


I don't even know their names. Thanks you fellows.

Mean while Peter, the truck driver was a top fellow, from a little farm near Trundle. 


Hoping to have his 24hr break in Moree, so he couldn't take up my offer to let me shout him dinner, a  Chicken Parma. He gave me some more water. Dropped me off out side the Garah Club Hotel,


in time for me to still order a steak dinner, and a cuppa tea.


Yee har. Watched the footy, talked a bit with Angus whom I met last night,  and Fred (the bar tender). Then shower, hand wash clothes, and put my feet up on the bed  while I lie on the floor, & write up this blog on the day. How looked after am I? Thank you, to the two in the black van, to Peter the truck driver  to Alli in the pub kitchen, and to creative love for sorting a lift for me.

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