Sunday 7 August 2022

Sun07082022CE, staying in Garah, put feet up…

Slept in. 

A friend's phone call had let me know of Viktor Frankle's small book of 3 addresses in Vienna after he was released from the Concentration camps he endured during the Second World War: Yes to life, despite everything. I get it, and hear it read as an audio book. I text him to say thanks. He responds with a 

Text2me: It's excellent. Looking forward to chatting about it on your walk back!

This gets me thinking of what more could be done to help the increasing numbers of  vulnerable people (some of which I have phone conversations with these walking days) in our plastic environment with less time for people and growth, to think about, let alone  discover, & fulfill the meaning of their very lives. 

Cuppa tea. Hang out washing. Walk around town. Phone call with my lovely lady, a daughter and grand daughter. We all sang a kid's song by Colin Buchanan together, over the phone -"Be strong and courageous". 

My daughter recounted Cliffy Young's story that she had just read about recently, over the phone. I'd heard bits of it, but I'm not sure I'd heard it all together. Inspiring. In our culture, with it's background of some of the inspiring stories built into it (mythic, in the technical or sociological sense), we have qualities in people like Cliff Young, running an ultra marathon for the wonder of it, beating world records by days, sharing the (sur)prize money with the other contestants. Sustained to keep going in the ultra marathon. by thinking of the sheep in the back paddock needing him to find them before a big storm.  

Bought a coffee from the shop before they shut.

Pie & sausage roll at Pub for lunch. Think about the meaning of life (... mean?) in the light of Viktor Frankle's book Man's search for meaning. Make sign (on Fred's suggestion) to ask for lift (mostly for trolley) to Mungindi tomorrow morning. Kip. … thinking a bit more about, beside being a Walker, why do I walk?

A great catch up phone call with a mate. How good to have the time to catch up with mates on the phone. What a gift. 

Then dinner …  warmed up in the pub, with Fred the publican, & some of the locals: Ray, Fred, & Mark:


Chatted with Reg, Ray, and Mark. Got to practice drawing a few… Reg, who left earlier than the others, and Mark 


(go well with your 5yr old grandson, back at the Gold Coast, Mark), 

and the publican, Fred, who looked after me well.

Thanks Fred.

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