Tuesday 9 August 2022

Tues09Aug2022 from Mungindi..(towards St.George)

Up at 6:30am, didn't actually get on the road till 8:17am. Oh well, it shouldn't be a big day today(~20km)… nor tomorrow(~20km), only the next one (33km, with the trolley). See how we go.

Its quite cool just now. There's sparkles of diamond dew on the lower blades of grass still. I have to keep walking in this sunshine to keep warm enough not to shiver. Today, can't see a cloud in the sky. Just a lighter blue curtain at the edges, getting more royal blue on top. You just feel it as a dome over you, or a curtain, that you know will be pulled back tonight, letting you look out of the nursery, into Mum & Dad's bedroom, or the back yard, or whole worlds awaiting. Oh God! I love this country, and these people. This might be a bit of the home of GOD, right now! (There is an old psalm that says, in old English, "The Earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof.. " which I take to mean "The whole Earth is GOD's place, every last scrap of it!".

I like being in your place, with you, creative love.

(Sometimes I wish I had an invisibility cloak as good as yours. But I know that I don't have enough creativity or love to use it well, and it might be the end of me. So, even that, I have to leave in your hands, and do the best I can at this invisibility thing;  like whoever paid for my room last night)

In the middle of this, a test for my sanity. A few more twinges in my gouty big toe. And I remermber that prevention is (way) better than cure. I stop to find the gout tablets that I forgot to take this morning.

Yup, all done. Then a very precious time walking along the edge of the Carnarvon Highway. It probably looks like I'm walking alone. But appearances (as important as they are), are not all there is to reality.

Enjoying my Company, and the company of people I can see on this planet, especially those who have entrusted themselves in some way to me, like friends, my good woman, our 6 children, and many others who have let me get to know them, I suspect I might be the luckiest man in Australia today. And, as A.A.* (and all those 12 step programs*, like N.A. & GROW etc*) helps people to recognize, "The best is yet to come."

I am told of friends' troubles, and children's struggles, it is beautiful to know that creative love is no less present with them than here with me, where the presence of creative love  seems so obvious. Sometimes I walk, or sit, or lie with what I know of friends, offspring, relatives and family in the presence of creative love; and poem-ish thingos pop (well, ppp-o-o-o-ppp) into my head. It's fun trying to make a plaster cast of them with words. Sometimes you get the feel of a living creature of hope even through the static form of a poem-ish thingo. (It's a bit like that game where you can only feel something in a bag, with one finger, and you have to guess what it is. Sometimes you do get a bit of an idea.)

Met an aboriginal worker in a ute painted with aboriginal artwork, first yesterday on the way into Mungindi, 20 min after I met Malcolm, then again this arvo ~16km out of Thallon. Said he'll see me again tomorrow,  just as he was leaving. After a few seconds, when I understood that he must be planning to come back on this road tomorrow,  I yelled, "Bring us a coffee", he waved, but I don't know if he heard me or not. We'll see.

Set up tent behind some trees off the road. Cooked up a rice  beans and tuna dish, then lay down, and thought O'd see if I had any signal. Immediately my Dad rang and we talked while hexwaited at the barbers.

Like to get going soon after 7am tomorrow.

We'll see.

* A.A.(Alcoholics Annonymous) is one of those "12 step programs"*, like N.A. (Narcotics Annonymous). & GROW (a 12 step program for continuing to develop in mental health) etc there are others for all o'holics, sex o'holics, gamblers, etc applying the steps of growth and life, to any area where it is obviously not happening for you at the moment, within a communuty of others who are in similar real need. The help is from the "higher power", and others who take it seriously enough to allow themselves to act as a conduit for its creativity and love.

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