Wednesday 10 August 2022

Wed10Aug2022, to Thallon (& 10km past?)

I'm trying to take off early, with a thought of leaving the trolley at Thallon and cutting some of the next day's 33km walk off, then, ask creative love to sort out a lift back to Thallon before night fall, and the next morning, to get dropped back to the point I got to the previous afternoon (with trolley; or better still, if the trolley could be dropped off at the Nindigully Pub where I'm booked for the following night, in "Paddy's Room") I'll do it. [Tomorrow's walk is schedued to be 33km otherwise, & that is more than I can usually do with the trolley; and but it's pub to pub, so no down and up of tent required..].

Oh well, what actually happened was I got on the road at 8:37am after boiling the billy while waiting for the tent to dry, packing etc. 

What a lovely (to me) blessing came to me this morning before 7. I was thinking of how to be more like creative love is, so that I myself might actually BE a blessing to this world -  from creative love…. If you are into that sort of open handed giving of goodness that a blessing is… i think I would be a blessing to this world (& not so much of a curse on it), if I am more along these lines, as I see creative love doing things.

Meditate on Mark 2 again, recalling an audio ditty I made up in Victoria to help me recall it, for when I don't have other media around to help me meditate on it. 

After 2 hrs, 40 min break with feet up. And on the road again. 

This sign from above appears on my right..


This is where I'm booked in for the night. It looks like I'm within a few km of the pub. Several hundred metres down the road, on the left I see :



Very patchy reception at the spot I was overnight, 3 or 4 bars show on phone signal, but it's not always open for me to ring out on (a call got in from my Dad). No internet reception to post last night till I got out of the tent, stood in the middle of the road, holding phone high above my head. No better today till Thallon, where I'll try to post a few things at once. Might not have much reception for the next few days? (If you're ringing, leave a message, and if I get to a rise, I might be able to hear it, & maybe (but also maybe not) even ring you.)

As I'm coming further I am happy to find that this is a 


Really Very Friendly Town!

We'll see.

Intro video

And… a giant Wombat, 


for the kids to climb on (? Yes, the other side has rock climbing hand & toe holds)

About 1pm got to the Francis Hotel,



run by "Wazza" 


& "Reenie". 


Got a coffee and big burger, and my phone ready to update….

I'll try to post this now..

A local Wayne, drops in to pick up his trolley, and mentions that he's going to St. George to pick up his ute, .

i ask if he's likely to be able to pick me up on the road on the way back tonight, and take me back to that spot tomorrow morning on his way back in the morning… and drop my trolley off at the Nindigully pub for me as he passes. He says he thinks he can do that, and off he goes. 

YeeHar…  Thank you creative love!

And off I go to take my trolley to my room (I'm at The Quarters, over the rail line from the pub) and get 20 min with my feet up, then I'm off up the Highway too.

On the way North out of Thallon on Wed arvo… sculptures..




.a truck coming into town from the North..

.and just a bit out of town a sign to orient me with the towns of Saint George, and Roma..

.flat scrubby country, with a lot of dead wood. I wonder why the dead trees?

I get about 5 ½ km out of town, and Wayne pulls up, heading in the opposite direction, back to Thallon.


&, looking over his front bumper, back towards Thallon:

Wayne says he worked on this property for 20, or 30yrs and just stopped two years ago. He knows that big tree on the left hand side of the road to St. George (not in the photo, to the right of it). I stop trying to drop a pin on my Google map that has no internet at the moment.

Wash clothes, shower. Type this up, and head over for dinner at the pub.

John & Heather visiting Thallon from the Yarra Valley, on the left, and a local, Colin or


(Colly) from Thallon (on the right) who does wood work around this place….

A mural under a bridge has also captured Colly:


Did a few pics of folk, 

It turns out, (after spending an hour or so trying to follow fixit advice),  that Aldi mobile, which I have, which uses Telstra mobile in 98.5% of Australian population, doesn't actually work for phone, sms, or internet on the Telstra tower in Thallon. "Luckily", the pub let me use their internet to post the blog tonight, and we might be able to sort out the Nindigully Pub thing without a call….

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