Sunday 7 August 2022

why do I walk?

I want to understand my country and

my people & the cultures that exist

within this continental island land

& hear the kind of stories that I've missed,

but have a quite strong hunch that they'll be there,

in hidden hearts and homes around the place,

the stories of a kind of folk who care

for this country and people who're displaced.

Who wander like old Abraham of Ur,

er, that's that place in Babylonia.

He walked with someone who knew him (and her,

his sister-half, & wife) - not many near.

But had a heart of generosity,

& wonder at the stars uncountable,

when tested showed no animosity,

was one of those you'd call "redoubtable".

This kind of trusting friendship- faithfulness -

that shows itself when people live like that,

is what creative love in playfulness

is looking for, to strengthen and impact

this world through, by the means, quite ordin'ry,

of staying with your wife (or man), through all

the hardships in a life extr'ordin'ry,

to trust creative love, and hear its call,

to walk within it's world, and share as friends,

not for advantage, just for friendship's sake,

to seek to help another, to intend

some good, because they could. That takes the cake!

Paul (de) Walker

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