Sunday 14 August 2022

Sunday - rest the feet today.

Early morning meditation time. 

Today's "call to follow suit".

Rest those weary feet!

Let the washing dry. Join in life with some people open to creative love. I'll join with the Anglicans & Lutherans at 8:30am, and then a bunch called Bush Disciples at 10am, and see where things go from there.

Enjoyed considering carefully what I heard at both get togethers. Some thoughts came about a chicken called Pecky, that was mentioned during a kids talk.

A lovely time meeting new people who were interested, & very interesting:, Annette, Ken, John(?), Rhonda; and Scott, Roy (with wife Jan). 

At the end, i "happened to meet a family of other visitors who were keen to talk, then get tips about feeding the minds of and training their children to tune in themselves to creative love, using the avenue of allowing the stories in the scriptures to be accessible to their inquiring minds, and to influence their choices. It was fun talking with them briefly. Here is a 1hr plan we have found helpful for that story-telling focus on creative love through the stories of the scriptures, especially focusing on Yeshua.

God's speed Tom & Lizzy and children.

Then Monday morning the plan was for Michael to pick me up for a day of walking without the trolley at 7am. Then he'll pick me up at 4pm and take me to buy a Telstra SIM card by 4:30pm, before they shut.

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