Saturday 13 August 2022

A neighbour up the road at home...

Txt2Me: Marbuck says hello

Txt back: 

Please say "G'day back" to Marbuck for me too.

"Ol' Marbuck up the road, has helped me out,

by helping me cut limbs down from a tree,

and push a car to help it get about,

& ev'ry now & then comes for a tea.

I'm grateful that he's in that neighbourhood,

& glad to have a friendly neighbour like

ol' Marbuck, up the road who's doing good

instead of stirring up that racial strife.

I know how diff'rent culture backgrounds are,

and that there's extra baggage hanging round,

I wonder if, like folk who move a car,

we could start up with two feet on the ground.

And do a walk or two between some spots 

in Marbuck's country, where he feels at home.

And we could get to visit   some (or lots)

of folk he knows, or else just have a roam."

Paul (de) Walker

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