Sunday 14 August 2022

Break in the treck!


Break in the treck 

At about 1:15pm, I found out that I have a new grandson born in Dubbo early this morning. So, as I said to my wife at the start, I'll not go on just now. Michael and Robyn have agreed to look after the trolley for me, till I get back either in 3 or 4 weeks, or Autumn next year. And, Michael has kindly offered to drive me all the way to Lightning Ridge to catch the NSW Countrylink coach that leaves at 8:50am, and should deposit me in Dubbo tomorrow for a late lunch.

How helpful. Thanks Michael. Thanks creative love.

This has been an amazing trip so far. I've had an amazing time with my major walking partner (creative love)  with various other walking partners who have joined in for bits from South cape Tazzy to Saint George Qld. I've met amazing people along the way. I've seen amazing parts of the country. Thanks for any way you have communicated with me and encouraged me or contributed by joining with creative love yourself along the way. 

Thanks too for any gifts any of you have given to the work of MOVEmber in researching and helping with Men's mental health and prostate cancer research, or to the Bible Society in preserving good scholarship and textual critics and translators to make that ancient story available to any cultures and individuals who want to align with creative love, recording the experiences of other individuals throughout the milenia as they interacted with creative love, within (and at times against), communities of practice.

MO MOVEmber Pilgrimage:

and supporting the Bible Society as one way to work on keeping this ancient text which has been the basis of the good which Western Civilization brought to the world, & which still holds & transmits meaning (via story) for us today.

Hope to let this blogsite know every week how things are progressing till I know when I actually plan to start up again. (but at the moment I'm expecting sometime next month, or March/April 2023).

Feel free to contact me personally, or leave a message: 0419919241 (though this number has since changed)

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