Monday 9 September 2024

Day 33 (from Charters Towers) Mon 9 Sept 2024 C.E.

Can I make it the distance to Lakeland today? That is, the 4.5km into the Palmer River Roadhouse (from where I left my sticks & Dad picked me up last night) plus the (growing) distance to Lakeland of 31km (as per Google Maps), but 34km (as per the locals who do it regularly)= max of 38.5 km? Well, I did 39.5 km yesterday..  so help me God.

Up at 5:15am.Dad dropped me out the 4.5km to my walking sticks on the sidevof the road at 6:15am. I’ll walk in and maybe have a bite to eat, then go on past…

Here goes. ..

Glad to have a walking partner as amazing as comes up with a world like this, with so many options and choices left in developing it.. affecting it.. even the possibility (if we were willing to  learn from the way it works, & work in that same direction, with the purposes of a care taker) of bettering it..

6:40am coming down towards (~2km from) the Palmer River crossing & Roadhouse :

The Palmer River, a lovely trickle in a wide Sandy bed (to the right):

then arrived at 7:07am at the Roadhouse for an hour of breaky.

Dad asked to loan my phone for the morning till he arrives at 12:30 with lunch. I thought I could do without it for a morning, but didn’t take into account that it is my watch/ time-piece, camera, for scenes & people,  GPS, & map repertoire,  as well as note taking facility, recorder & MP3 audio book player. Not sure I’d do that again so easily. I took two 1.25 litres of water, but ran out of water about mid-day. I put my feet up twice, for 30 min, then 50min. Then decided I’d try to walk down the steep road to the lowlands that Lakeland is on. If I didn’t get water by then I’d wait at the bottom, else keep going…  I decided to go up a little hill to a lookout that seemed to have a toilet, so I wondered if it had tank water.. It didn’t, but there I met Simon & Mimi, from Cooktown, returning home after a big shop in Cairns..

they gave me water, a madarine and beautiful biscuits,

and an offer of accommodation for tonight at Cooktown… Thanks you two… how lovely. Thanks to the maker of people and goodness in our cultures ..

Dad arrived around 2:30, and he found a flat spot in a bit of shade for us to eat and rest till 4:30pm… 12 km to go before I get to the Lakeland public toilets.

We had a bowl of cereal for lunch, & I put my feet up. Back on the road at 5 pm, with a cold ginger beer, courtesy of Dad. Thanks Dad.

Amazing scenery here

Trees I have yet to identify: barren, but with bright yellow flowers, and green fruit that look a bit like chokos


Walking along the plain about 6km from Lakeland, 6:30pm; the view to the East:

And to the West:

I’m ~5km out of Lakeland as I write this,, and have great reception, so I’ll post it now and send what happens tonight or tomorrow. 

A good time to talk on the phone with my lovely lady, and then her good school friend from Ravenshoe, whom I missed catching up with… who first told me of the existence of Mapoon, Jane. Thanks for your wealth of knowledge & ideas & advice Jane.

Here is a welcome sign:

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