Sunday 15 September 2024

Break-Day 006 (after Lakeland) Sunday 15 Sept 2024 …

… another kind of walking - through life - with the same walking partner, but on a break from - this symbolic gesture, this pilgrimage/walk.

Breaky with, then said Goodbye to, Daughter, Son-in-law & two grandchildren, who were heading to warmer Newcastle. Cold winds in Orange. Tidy house. I use a new vacuum cleaner, wife Katrina hangs out washing, & weeds the lawn. A friend with 3 kids drive round, and we meet with others in the nearby Coulson Park, coffee & tea & hot choc, with nice cake, Tim tams, bickies, and in small groups listen to and read a passage written at the end of the First Century C.E. on the life of arguably the world’s most influential teacher, most effective changer, & bringer of hope, joy, and altruism. Our friends join us for lunch after. We tidy up more, get washing in, and grind coffee, borrow 1 cup of sugar to bake a cake for some new friends’ visit, & then have a kip. 

At ~2:30 some Brazilian friends pop in and we have a lovely arvo. A neighbour drops in from the street over from us, & then we together all walk back to her place. Meet her husband and keep walking round (or through) the block.

Cuppas out the front, play piano, draw pictures. 

A lot of fun.

A simple meal, try to plan holiday in NSW South coast, in & ~Brisbane, & next week, and sort out finances.

Showers and bed soon after 9pm. 

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