Saturday 7 September 2024

Day 31 (from Charters) Sat7/9/24

 Day 31 (from Charters) Sat7/9/24

If we make it to Kelly St. George Bridge Bridge, I will have travelled 36km today, and with two more days like that I might make it to Lakeland Monday night (or mid morning Tuesday).

Stopped for the last bit of last night’s pizza and a cuppa at 6 km,

Was offered water by this grader driver..

His mate came over and joined in wishing me well as I left. Thanks you fellows!

then at 11km for breaky and a quick snooze (with feet up, for me). We’re running out of water. So I wet my hat and shirt in Campbell creek, and left Dad resting behind, 

and will try for Bob’slookout, at the end of this straight and up the hill…

the mountains are (unlike this picture) majestic.

You gotta be here to get it!

About 8 yrs ago Christine Heading was heading along this road (probably on a motor bike) as a 47yr old; and died long it. Never made it to her (earthly) destination.

No guarantees I will either. It’s a pretty dangerous world. But, what other kind of world would you want to live in eh? By Christ I’m gunna enjoy this journey, and learn what I need to! Grow up like him! - with a little help from my friends (&enemies)!

At Bob’s lookout I met a lady from Lakeland, then she left, and the next car brought 

(Left to Right) Eleanor, Rebecca, & Eli, travelling from Herberton to Cooktown in a mate’s car… I took a family pic of them, then they brought and passed on to me: a  bottle of cool water, I did a quick sketch of Eleanor, then they produced  two bits of (hot) Kentucky fried  chicken… talk about lucky! Well, looked after!! [+Look at the corner of graffiti on the right, some of that was put there by Rebecca’s relatives (parents??) in about 1984(?) - and look at the view behind too!]

Thanks you three, and thanks to the maker of humans to be special little oases in a “desert” of things … (well, desert to one like me, untrained in where to look… and that training would come mainly from other people too..)

Then Kev & Rosie popped in heading for Mosman today. Said G’day, took a pic etc.

I think they said they’d come from Cooktown! Happy travelling you two!

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