Thursday 12 September 2024

Break-Day 003 (after Lakeland) Thurs 12 Sept 2024 …

… another kind of walking - through life - with the same walking partner, but on a break from this symbolic gesture, this pilgrimage/walk.

Got out the front to the taxi 1 min late. Sahil (the Sikh) was our driver again.. great trip, good service. Checked Dad’s baggage in with Jetstar, I’m flying Virgin a.t.m., then we finished breaky and had a couple of cups of milk to use up the UHT 1 litre of milk. Got through the security check, to the gates and had another minute together.. before I’m boarding and sitting beside a trainer/assessor with Major, who is on the way to Rocky, via Brisbane [since Bonza ( who offered 2 direct flights per week) went broke].

On the other side of me in the plane was Cynthia Sabah (lady in plane from Cairns to Brisbane), her daughter Anita Sachlikidis - is a writer of Children's books (sold via Amazon) for age 6-10 the Dragon pet series (2 about girl dogs and about a girl cat; ($15) & for 8-12 (Archie & the amazing chickens & sequel. ($20) & Cheaper for the pack of four)...


Elena was a runner, who could run.

She loved to do the Park Runs, and she trained,

She tried to beat the Susan, just for fun,

and beat her by a metre, as she gained.

And Luca was her brother who ran too,

& learned to overcome adversity,

he loves to play at Minecraft and to do

some chook & cat (& guinea-Speck) sitting.

Had time in the plane from Brisbane to Sydney to reflect on lessons I need to learn from the last two weeks. I was talking to a mother and son combo, and then, with the mother’s ok to talk with her son primarily, I managed to miss the attention and interest of the son. I now see this as a bad “sin”, or at least a great pity. Such a precious opportunity, should be appreciated and treasured, not misused. Please forgive me. 

Then in a similar (though opposite) situation with a Senior Biology school student, with my lack of tuning in to what was important for the other person, and what causes fear for them, I think I made it hard for the student (while, at the time, I was trying NOT to fall into that kind of thoughtlessness, but, completely unaware of it, I did anyway, because I was too “gung ho”!. Oh, what a sadness. Live & learn! 

Oh please creative hon’rable friendship

please help me grow in thoughtfulness to show

the nature of yourself, and not to slip

into the confidence that’s just gung ho!

Paul (de) Walker

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