Friday 6 September 2024

Day 30 (from Charters) Fri 6Sept


Up around 6am. Felt tired (& cool), just wanted to roll over and go back to a warm bed.

Since my support crew was determined to be there for breaky in 10 km, decided to miss out anti-blister strapping, because I could reassess with time after 10km. Out on the road by 6:45am. Looking at our van as I go. 


Stopped and had breaky with Dad after 10km at station creek where we had intermittent signal. Mum got through for a few mins on a call to Dad. I wonder if my lady is teaching this morning?

We’re playing with the UHF to get it to work. Dad has put an Arial up on his car, and I’ve got a handpiece stuck to my pocket.

Story “Alright there’s a f***-wit up ahead..”

I look up and see a car maybe 400-500 metres ahead coming towards me so I

move over to the left side of the road since there's no traffic coming behind me. Then hear “oh… he’s wondering all over the road.”

As they pass, I realise what has just happened and say on channel 01, “Sometimes i am a bit of a f*** witt”

To which I hear them realized 

I have a quick dip (with Dad watching - these crocs are putting the wind up us)  in the beautiful Mary Creek and wash my dacks. Lunch is cooked by Dad, & we have a half hour snooze. Then I’m on the road again. This afternoon I spend going through my own poemish (song) translation from the common ancient Greek (like English is through the world these days), into Ozzie English - of the incredible life of (arguably) the most influential human in history (check the date today).

Just before 3:30pm I am reminded how much further to Lakeland, 

the last turn off to the East coast (Cooktown), from there the road goes left (West) up the peninsula.

We’ll see how far to there we get…

Less than 4 km from Mt.Carbine the man in this camper stopped to offer a lift.. 

He’s heading to Mt Cook. I was sorry to have to say I’m in a walk.. & miss the chance to meet him more. As with so, so many. But the he shoulders of the road were pretty steep, and other vehicles were coming behind, so we said a cheery “Ok” & were on our way. Thank you man. And thanks to the culture and the people who influenced the raising of this man to embody these choices of generosity and thoughtfulness to others.

Around 4pm a sign advertising XXXX, The Hotel/Motel & Mt. Carbine comes into view:

Gateway to Cape York eh? 

A text just got through from my wife…

Telling me that Laurie McIntosh the man who mentored (me &) Paul Roe, who were (with their wives, Elvira McIntosh, and Robyn Roe) the founders of the Christian Mission Order ( Cornerstone Community)  of which I am a part and which has spurred me on to be interested in my native land and it's other natives and migrants, and to be open to a new creation coming out of what looks like a dead blackened stump; has been told that he has two weeks to live. I responded to my wife’s text:

Praise God, for a life well lived!

Mistakes no doubt! 

But the one who made no mistakes has either not been given by God those options in this life for learned obedience, or else has cowered back and has not learned the obedience of faithfulness. 

Thanks Laurie for not doing that!

May I so live & die as well!

The things you get to think about on a walk that's also a pilgrimage!

And ~4:30pm I come to another welcome sign:

And I wonder if the big hill behind the city IS Mount Carbine?

Guess I’ll find out!

At Mt.Carbine the publican Mitch shouted me a cold one, and I drew a picture of his son: 

then they said they said they’d shout us a pizza for dinner too..

around 6:30pm I walk out towards McLeod Creek 

Thinking back on the day it's been mostly overcast for most of the day. Many threats of rain but none has come, much wind behind me blowing me along. Beautiful times of coolness. At times I’ve been able to jog with it. t thank creative love that helped me on this journey today.



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