Sunday 8 September 2024

Day 32 (from Charters) Sunday 8thSept2024


Out by ~5:50am & left a note for Dad to catch me by 9am for a cereal breakfast & a cuppa, with my feet up.

An overcast day here, with a beautiful cool breeze. I had my head torch on for the first hour, and as I watched the sky light up, I sang out loud many variations of that ancient poem 

“Creative love, your greatness is seen in all the world

your praise reaches up to the heavens

it is sung by children, & babies, you are safe

& secure from all your enemies;

you stop (dead in their tracks) anyone, who opposes you.

When I look at the sky, which you have made,

the moon & stars which you set in their places…

What is man that you think of him? - mere man that you care for him?..  “ etc..

 (the book of Psalms, number 8)

Then, time to listen to some of that ancient proverbial wisdom, from millenia ago. 

A couple of “pee” stops, but otherwise… keep walking this morning. 

About 7:50am, I look back at a sign and see how far I’ve walked from Mt. Molloy:

Checking on Google maps:

I do my maths: 114km-80km=___km? Do you get the same as me? Wow, that would be a big day for me at the best of times…  We’ll see. By going, … with our eyes open, and our mind alert.

Well, just before nine

I'm up to this sign

which gives me great heart.

a break first, then start…

Dad does arrive and how good is that! Breaky, rest with feet up, small walk of 2.7km to a better spot on the road (& on Western side of road), then another rest in the heat of the day. Head out at 3:30pm. We were stopped just before this creek:

I’ve done 21.7km so far today. Hoping to do 37 today, so as not to do more the second last day, than the last day of this little stint, because then I have some rest days from walking, Tuesday & Wednesday.. (& maybe even untill April/May next year?) so technically it would be good for Dad to pick me up 6 km before the Roadhouse… then drop me back there at 5am, and I could meet him for breaky there again??

Amazing mountains I am walking through here ..

At 4pm another reminder on the Western side of the road, that not everyone who passed here, continues for long…

 help me creative love to make my days count!

A welcome sign o the next shire:

And Dad just passed me and radiod back on the UHF (that I’ve been carrying since Mareeba)  that there is a beautiful lookout ahead.

Wow, the trees look quite different on either side of the road:

Doesn’t come out in the pic, as much as when you are here.

~5:15pm another sign telling me how far.. to..

So another 9 or 10km tonight would be good. And a good time to stop, so I don’t overdo things today, so I might actually make it to lake land tomorrow - though, we’ll see.

I saw a family in a 4 WD to the right here, from Ballarat, asked if they were ok, … they were just changing a baby’s nappy and checking the oil. The car is booked in for a service in Cairns. We wished each other all the best, and i walked on.

Nearly 6pm.. on the left (West):

and on the right (East):

I was glad when Dad arrived 4.5km from the Roadhouse . We had a cold drink with the other guests at the bar, then I headed for a shower, while Dad cooked dinner, and in bed by 11pm.

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