Friday 8 January 2016

Day 3 (Sat 9Jan)

As the last post said, we're on the road by 7:30am (we think). Then an hour of solitude. I often sing and dance, and, make up stories and poemish stuff, to tell the sky and cows etc. The day before Greg had listrned to a podcast with his headphones on, but today his battery is flat..
I walked ahead this time to make some space between us. After 1hr I walked at half pace, ten min later I found a shadey tree to sit under. When Greg arrived I noticed he had carried the grocery bag (on his own) for the whole time. He was a bit cranky with me going ahead (he said half a kilometre ahead) - for safety reasons. His phone is flat.
We're going to have to sort this out. For now our plan for the next morning is for Greg to go first. Once we're warmed up I seem to be a bit faster, though he often gets going faster than me.

We got going, and stopped at Osmaston about 10:30 or a bit after in the shade out in front of a house..

The house-holder gave us 4 litres of lovely drinking water, so (i took off my shoes to examine my blisters, &) we boilded the billy, had our last milk in a cuppa tea, then I worked on the blog, we cooked some  lunch (Couscous and soup mix),  did some of Mark 3 together, telling little story-lets to each other.

Greg wes getting restless. He spewed up lunch (don't know what that was about, but yesterday's Cous cous lunch came back that night too) and we moved on to get in some more walking before the sun would get Greg's forehead again.

After 30 min the sun was higher,  the road turned and we could see that one cap between us would leave us frazzled on this 32 degree Celcius day. So... hear we are enjoying the hospitality of another beautiful bridge.

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