Thursday, 24 March 2022

I am learning more ... GIVE air-play to core ... OF what I'm here for…

Playing with words (below & above) and notes..

Alright, this is a thing I have to do!

Already I perceive you're leading me.

For this, I need to learn to follow through

from words & concepts, to what you will see..

and smile about! Your child is back on track.

He's off the sideline of just words and thoughts,

and into acting justly2 (" thing lacks.."),

with loving mercy, walking humbly. For

that prophet of creative love1 outlined:

this as the good humanity could do,

& what was at the core of what we find

are what's required of humans to be true.

"Creative Love" is how I now spell GOD.

Instead of just one function: Ruler, Judge2,

or Doctor, Nurse, or Teacher, that we've got

to choose from; now I certainly won't budge.

(I mean for me myself, not others who

are journeying themselves to truly be

a human being as we were made to

be, at the making of the world we see)

I learned this way of thinking from one who

was picked by the creator as the one

who would be able to lead us all to

"The Father" - that's what he called him. The son 

of Adam, that's the name he'd often claim,

& they saw Adam as the son of God.

Without triumphalistic words he'd pay

more compliments to others3 where he could.

  1. You have already been shown, O mortal, what is good. And what does the creative love who made you require of you? To act justly2 and to love mercy and to walk humbly with this one you may know as your GOD. (after Micah 6:8 & some other English versions)

  2. Justice is love enacted to someone you don't know or haven't yet met. (after Reinhold Niebur on this topic)

  3. Complimenting others where he could (where it was true and right, noticing the good and emphasising it,  rather than ignoring or overlooking it, or taking it for granted). I can think of 4 situations straight off. Can you think of any? 

    1. The Roman Centurion or official's faith

    2. The lepper that came back to say "Thank you."

    3. Choosing the 5 commands out of the 10, that the Rich ruler HAD kept (not the ones he hadn't kept).

    4. Claiming himself to be the Son of Adam (who was also seen as the one who brought sin into the world.

    5. . . .oh yes, there are others.  Can you recall any?


  1. What can I say? "Show hospitality to strangers, for you maybe entertaining angels unawares". methinks the angel bit is working both ways: you're an angel to the angels to you :-) B

  2. Yup. Last night Mike told me of a man who came and worked with him for a while... then he was telling me the story of an angel who came to their place.. i thought he was speaking figuratively of this other man, but after a while the connections with my visit became too obvious, and i realized he was saying what you just said... God is just too good!
