Tuesday 13 September 2022

Week Four of break:

Thought of some friends I met on the walk who were possibly doing it tough, of having to handle some big changes in the course of life. I could come out of isolation on Monday 5 Sept, but still had to wear a mask when near other people at home or elsewhere, so I chose to stay at my friend's house where I didn't have to wear a mask, untill Thursday morning when I was free to take of the mask unless with people of special susceptibility. Lovely to be able to move home then and have family and friends visit and visit them too, again. A friend's birthday celebration on Saturday. At my friend's place found an interesting book, that was small and seemed an easy read, and thought to ask if others wanted to read it with me. Started a bookclub with first f2f (face-to-face) meeting on Sat. 

Lovely time looking at and listening to practitioners of reality, even (or specially) when from a different background or tradition to one'self. One or two people I met on the walk are joining in. You are welcome too.

This is the book. You might enjoy reading it through with some friends,


Free download from Plough publishing (Bruderhof, definitely NOT Catholic) , above.

Dorothy Day, a catholic activist from 40 or 50 yrs ago, focusses on 5 WAYs: The Way of 

.  faith,

.  love

.  prayer,

.  life

.  community.   

I'm proposing that we go through ONE A WEEK, starting today.

. Read it, 

. underline, 

. check with scriptures . and life in God's world,,

. discuss over a cuppa/ meal/ zoom/ or just here in this WhattsApp thread

. do what creative love opens up to us (individually, and/or together) as we 

. start the next WAY, etc

Let me know if you want to try out the WhatsApp "discussion" thread... (not sure if it will, or even can, work. The f2f(face2face) meet was amazingly good, for me.

I just put into the bookclub conversation this post:


"A thing that I appreciate about some people (like Dorothy Day) that seems like it allows us to connect across canyons, is the twin practices of 1) practising (i.e. being not a theoretician, so much as a practicioner. As a friend just put into words for me: "practise is perfect!") & 2) tuning in to the core, or spirit of things instead of being caught up in the surface or appearance of things."

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