Saturday 5 October 2024

Break-Month 001 (after Lakeland) Fri 4th & Sat 5th Oct 2024 …

… another kind of walking - through life - with the same walking partner, but on a break from this symbolic gesture, this pilgrimage/ NOBO walk.

Wow … big changes in me… a week or two ago a mentor died (of asbestosis) at 87yrs. And in celebrating, & recalling his life (including difficulties in my relationship with him, some of which I could see were needed for me to connect more deeply with creative love myself) I was challenged to see how I was living in line with creative love, rather than simply taking the path of least resistance, or choosing ways of relating to others that made me feel less uncomfortable. 

It was awful then, during this last week, on holidays with friends at the beach, to realise (at the cost of self-disclosure and vulnerability of someone-else), that I was parting company with creative love in my reactions to people who had proved to be very good friends, simply because they had similar weaknesses to me, and I didn't want to be reminded of (& encouraged in) my weaknesses. Instead of waging war determinedly and strongly on those uncreative, unloving habits of mine, I had pushed away some good friends. 

I chose to admit what I came to see as my self-preserving, pushing away of good friends; and asked my friends for their forgiveness. They smiled, and gladly forgave me. I knew creative love was wanting to push on deeper in this inward (& outward) journey or pilgrimage. 

On Friday, I shared a coffee and some stories of our recent holidays with a mate at Bunnings. Later, after sharing time with my Good Woman at the hospital, getting her surgical wound redressed, I walked around our community with another dear friend. We popped in to see one of his neighbours who has just been in hospital. No response at the door. We walked down to a local shop, bought a cold drink and sat on a park bench at a busy roundabout and talked about what we’re reading and thinking about, and watched the cars and kids on scooters going by, then walked to one of my neighbours’ place and had some interesting tea with him while we talked, at his request, about what things made us really happy, and helped with balance in our lives. A walk of rich sharing in life. Then a coffee with another dear friend who has been a speaker at a religious retreat last week, helping people respond to the spirit of creative love. Then dinner prepared by a loving daughter, with my Good Woman, my son-in-law and 2 small grandchildren, and after the kids were in bed, listening to a fantacy-sci-fi audio-book together over hot cuppas in the lounge. What a rich day. 

Saturday - we’ll see, then tomorrow I plan to have a cuppa in a local park with friends, then drive (with my wife & some friends) to Bendigo in Victoria for a celebration of my friend and mentor’s life. 

Oh, I want to keep on, in this journey with creative love through the middle of all of this. The walk continues. Now, I don't want it to ever end, even while I am back in my home-town and my trolley waits in Cairns or the Atherton table-land.

May I become like the 7th descendant in the line of Adam’s sons, Enoch, who instead of hiding & covering shame, went on that long slow walk with the creative love behind, and throughout, the Whole Universe, for the rest of his life…

… another kind of walking - through life - with the same walking partner, but on a break from this symbolic gesture, this pilgrimage/ NOBO walk.

Wow … big changes in me… a week or two ago a mentor died (of asbestosis) at 87yrs. And in celebrating, & recalling his life (including difficulties in my relationship with him, some of which I could see were needed for me to connect more deeply with creative love myself) I was challenged to see how I was living in line with creative love, rather than simply taking the path of least resistance, or choosing ways of relating to others that made me feel less uncomfortable. 

It was awful then, during this last week, on holidays with friends at the beach, to realise (at the cost of self-disclosure and vulnerability of someone-else), that I was parting company with creative love in my reactions to people who had proved to be very good friends, simply because they had similar weaknesses to me, and I didn't want to be reminded of (& encouraged in) my weaknesses. Instead of waging war determinedly and strongly on those uncreative, unloving habits of mine, I had pushed away some good friends. 

I chose to admit what I came to see as my self-preserving, pushing away of good friends; and asked my friends for their forgiveness. They smiled, and gladly forgave me. I knew creative love was wanting to push on deeper in this inward (& outward) journey or pilgrimage. 

On Friday, I shared a coffee and some stories of our recent holidays with a mate at Bunnings. Later, after sharing time with my Good Woman at the hospital, getting her surgical wound redressed, I walked around our community with another dear friend. We popped in to see one of his neighbours who has just been in hospital. No response at the door. We walked down to a local shop, bought a cold drink and sat on a park bench at a busy roundabout and talked about what we’re reading and thinking about, and watched the cars and kids on scooters going by, then walked to one of my neighbours’ place and had some interesting tea with him while we talked, at his request, about what things made us really happy, and helped with balance in our lives. A walk of rich sharing in life. Then a coffee with another dear friend who has been a speaker at a religious retreat last week, helping people respond to the spirit of creative love. Then dinner prepared by a loving daughter, with my Good Woman, my son-in-law and 2 small grandchildren, and after the kids were in bed, listening to a fantacy-sci-fi audio-book together over hot cuppas in the lounge. What a rich day. 

Saturday - we’ll see, then tomorrow I plan to have a cuppa in a local park with friends, then drive (with my wife & some friends) to Bendigo in Victoria for a celebration of my friend and mentor’s life. 

Oh, I want to keep on, in this journey with creative love through the middle of all of this. The walk continues. Now, I don't want it to ever end, even while I am back in my home-town and my trolley waits in Cairns or the Atherton table-land.

May I become like in that old story of the 7th descendant in the line of Adam & his sons, Enoch, who instead of hiding & trying to cover shame, went on that long slow walk with the creative love behind, and throughout, the Whole Universe, for the rest of his life…

Sunday 15 September 2024

Break-Day 006 (after Lakeland) Sunday 15 Sept 2024 …

… another kind of walking - through life - with the same walking partner, but on a break from - this symbolic gesture, this pilgrimage/walk.

Breaky with, then said Goodbye to, Daughter, Son-in-law & two grandchildren, who were heading to warmer Newcastle. Cold winds in Orange. Tidy house. I use a new vacuum cleaner, wife Katrina hangs out washing, & weeds the lawn. A friend with 3 kids drive round, and we meet with others in the nearby Coulson Park, coffee & tea & hot choc, with nice cake, Tim tams, bickies, and in small groups listen to and read a passage written at the end of the First Century C.E. on the life of arguably the world’s most influential teacher, most effective changer, & bringer of hope, joy, and altruism. Our friends join us for lunch after. We tidy up more, get washing in, and grind coffee, borrow 1 cup of sugar to bake a cake for some new friends’ visit, & then have a kip. 

At ~2:30 some Brazilian friends pop in and we have a lovely arvo. A neighbour drops in from the street over from us, & then we together all walk back to her place. Meet her husband and keep walking round (or through) the block.

Cuppas out the front, play piano, draw pictures. 

A lot of fun.

A simple meal, try to plan holiday in NSW South coast, in & ~Brisbane, & next week, and sort out finances.

Showers and bed soon after 9pm. 

Thursday 12 September 2024

Break-Day 003 (after Lakeland) Thurs 12 Sept 2024 …

… another kind of walking - through life - with the same walking partner, but on a break from this symbolic gesture, this pilgrimage/walk.

Got out the front to the taxi 1 min late. Sahil (the Sikh) was our driver again.. great trip, good service. Checked Dad’s baggage in with Jetstar, I’m flying Virgin a.t.m., then we finished breaky and had a couple of cups of milk to use up the UHT 1 litre of milk. Got through the security check, to the gates and had another minute together.. before I’m boarding and sitting beside a trainer/assessor with Major, who is on the way to Rocky, via Brisbane [since Bonza ( who offered 2 direct flights per week) went broke].

On the other side of me in the plane was Cynthia Sabah (lady in plane from Cairns to Brisbane), her daughter Anita Sachlikidis - is a writer of Children's books (sold via Amazon) for age 6-10 the Dragon pet series (2 about girl dogs and about a girl cat; ($15) & for 8-12 (Archie & the amazing chickens & sequel. ($20) & Cheaper for the pack of four)...


Elena was a runner, who could run.

She loved to do the Park Runs, and she trained,

She tried to beat the Susan, just for fun,

and beat her by a metre, as she gained.

And Luca was her brother who ran too,

& learned to overcome adversity,

he loves to play at Minecraft and to do

some chook & cat (& guinea-Speck) sitting.

Had time in the plane from Brisbane to Sydney to reflect on lessons I need to learn from the last two weeks. I was talking to a mother and son combo, and then, with the mother’s ok to talk with her son primarily, I managed to miss the attention and interest of the son. I now see this as a bad “sin”, or at least a great pity. Such a precious opportunity, should be appreciated and treasured, not misused. Please forgive me. 

Then in a similar (though opposite) situation with a Senior Biology school student, with my lack of tuning in to what was important for the other person, and what causes fear for them, I think I made it hard for the student (while, at the time, I was trying NOT to fall into that kind of thoughtlessness, but, completely unaware of it, I did anyway, because I was too “gung ho”!. Oh, what a sadness. Live & learn! 

Oh please creative hon’rable friendship

please help me grow in thoughtfulness to show

the nature of yourself, and not to slip

into the confidence that’s just gung ho!

Paul (de) Walker

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Break-Day 002 (after Lakeland) .. Wed 11Sept'24

..another kind of walking - through life - with the same walking partner, but on a break from this symbol, this pilgrimage/walk.

Wed 11/09/24 - from Cairns.. Out to the outer reef (Moor Reef) with Sun Lovers tours, a trip with Dad celebrating life together.

I sit beside, and do a picture of Darial, from Germany, 

with the German government, studying airospace engineering. Thanks for sharing so openly your thoughts, I enjoyed your company. All the best with holding & spreading humanity, over mechanism & beastliness.

Sarah, and Harry Kiyork having a mother/son trip today & tomorrow, to Musgrave island and snorkeling… 

(Sorry that this wasn’t a very flattering picture Sarah). What fun and adventures we get to have doing life in this world. Thanks for opening up and being yourselves Sarah & Harry. All the best tomorrow with the snorkeling.

Dad got exhausted after 10 min of snorkeling & I got to do 15 or 20 min, till I was a bit cool and it was getting choppy… lovely over the choral, and with such colourful stripe-y fish.

Then home, cereal for the night meal, watch the news and 7:30 report and reflect of humans living in this amazing world, and learning to keep getting on with each other as well, as the world.

Shower, bed, pack and fly out soon after 9am tomorrow.

Good night.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Break-Day 001 (from Lakeland); Tues 10 Sept 2024

Day(s) off… traveling back to Cairns with my support crew (my Dad), who needs to hand back his hired campervan tonight. He has then booked & shouted me to a day shared with him on the outer reef, tomorrow. Then he flies back to the Gold Coast on Thursday morning. And I have now booked my flight to Sydney (via Brisbane) shortly after his leaves. 

My plan is to leave my trolley with a friend of a friend in Cairns. Our family friend will then pick it up and take it to Ravenshoe as a more suitable long-term storage, until I return in the cooler months of next year April or May 2025. Then I will need to collect it and take it back to Lakeland, before walking on to the end of the bitumen around Laura, or Coen, then continue to Weipa and (old) Marpoon, and possibly up the  development road, or the old telegraph track, (depending a bit on whether I have a support crew again, or not) to New Mapoon up the top near Bamaga..

Today, at he Riffle Creek Camping Ground I had a “chance” encounter with two people who had thought through life as best they could and were putting time aside to connect with others in a way that was learning from Yeshua, my hero too! A different kind of Jehovah’s Witnesses than I have ever met before. & I told them as much. How refreshing to sense a real commitment to reality with all its scary unexpected twists and turns, instead of to a virtual reality, with all its predictability.

Adrian & Sue asked good questions & listened to my answers, and asked deeper questions… we talked together for ~45min… and although we may well have very different beliefs about many important things, I sensed a deeper commitment to the (person and) approach of Yeshua himself, which is a core bond or tie. We exchanged phone numbers. I hope we meet again. Thanks for sharing some of the time of your life with me you two. And thanks to creative altruism, which is probably the source of all true mateship.

We got to Cairns, found our motel room, went to fill the gas up at BCF, packed our bags for plane travel Thursday, packed the trolley for delivery around 8:30pm. Thanks Deb for keeping it safe for a while at your place, thanks Jane for being willing to carry it in your ute back to Ravenshoe. Then thanks to the hire company who hired the van to my Dad, and let him get it back before midnight,

and the Bohemian Resort, with pleasant facilities reasonably priced. 

And thanks again Dad for helping me walk towards a goal that you don’t necessarily share for yourself. It feels very affirming, 

and although we sometimes sparked off each other,  I have sensed a deeper bond growing between us through this shared fortnight.

In bed by around midnight. Write this blog up.. & hope to be back in cooler weather (April/May) next year (2025)..

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to such a beautiful trip of looking , listening, learning and sharing insights, experiences, and awe & gratefulness. Closer every leg to reaching a major goal. I hope that it has been a positive thing (a blessing), to others, as it has been for me.

Monday 9 September 2024

Day 33 (from Charters Towers) Mon 9 Sept 2024 C.E.

Can I make it the distance to Lakeland today? That is, the 4.5km into the Palmer River Roadhouse (from where I left my sticks & Dad picked me up last night) plus the (growing) distance to Lakeland of 31km (as per Google Maps), but 34km (as per the locals who do it regularly)= max of 38.5 km? Well, I did 39.5 km yesterday..  so help me God.

Up at 5:15am.Dad dropped me out the 4.5km to my walking sticks on the sidevof the road at 6:15am. I’ll walk in and maybe have a bite to eat, then go on past…

Here goes. ..

Glad to have a walking partner as amazing as comes up with a world like this, with so many options and choices left in developing it.. affecting it.. even the possibility (if we were willing to  learn from the way it works, & work in that same direction, with the purposes of a care taker) of bettering it..

6:40am coming down towards (~2km from) the Palmer River crossing & Roadhouse :

The Palmer River, a lovely trickle in a wide Sandy bed (to the right):

then arrived at 7:07am at the Roadhouse for an hour of breaky.

Dad asked to loan my phone for the morning till he arrives at 12:30 with lunch. I thought I could do without it for a morning, but didn’t take into account that it is my watch/ time-piece, camera, for scenes & people,  GPS, & map repertoire,  as well as note taking facility, recorder & MP3 audio book player. Not sure I’d do that again so easily. I took two 1.25 litres of water, but ran out of water about mid-day. I put my feet up twice, for 30 min, then 50min. Then decided I’d try to walk down the steep road to the lowlands that Lakeland is on. If I didn’t get water by then I’d wait at the bottom, else keep going…  I decided to go up a little hill to a lookout that seemed to have a toilet, so I wondered if it had tank water.. It didn’t, but there I met Simon & Mimi, from Cooktown, returning home after a big shop in Cairns..

they gave me water, a madarine and beautiful biscuits,

and an offer of accommodation for tonight at Cooktown… Thanks you two… how lovely. Thanks to the maker of people and goodness in our cultures ..

Dad arrived around 2:30, and he found a flat spot in a bit of shade for us to eat and rest till 4:30pm… 12 km to go before I get to the Lakeland public toilets.

We had a bowl of cereal for lunch, & I put my feet up. Back on the road at 5 pm, with a cold ginger beer, courtesy of Dad. Thanks Dad.

Amazing scenery here

Trees I have yet to identify: barren, but with bright yellow flowers, and green fruit that look a bit like chokos


Walking along the plain about 6km from Lakeland, 6:30pm; the view to the East:

And to the West:

I’m ~5km out of Lakeland as I write this,, and have great reception, so I’ll post it now and send what happens tonight or tomorrow. 

A good time to talk on the phone with my lovely lady, and then her good school friend from Ravenshoe, whom I missed catching up with… who first told me of the existence of Mapoon, Jane. Thanks for your wealth of knowledge & ideas & advice Jane.

Here is a welcome sign:

Sunday 8 September 2024

Day 32 (from Charters) Sunday 8thSept2024


Out by ~5:50am & left a note for Dad to catch me by 9am for a cereal breakfast & a cuppa, with my feet up.

An overcast day here, with a beautiful cool breeze. I had my head torch on for the first hour, and as I watched the sky light up, I sang out loud many variations of that ancient poem 

“Creative love, your greatness is seen in all the world

your praise reaches up to the heavens

it is sung by children, & babies, you are safe

& secure from all your enemies;

you stop (dead in their tracks) anyone, who opposes you.

When I look at the sky, which you have made,

the moon & stars which you set in their places…

What is man that you think of him? - mere man that you care for him?..  “ etc..

 (the book of Psalms, number 8)

Then, time to listen to some of that ancient proverbial wisdom, from millenia ago. 

A couple of “pee” stops, but otherwise… keep walking this morning. 

About 7:50am, I look back at a sign and see how far I’ve walked from Mt. Molloy:

Checking on Google maps:

I do my maths: 114km-80km=___km? Do you get the same as me? Wow, that would be a big day for me at the best of times…  We’ll see. By going, … with our eyes open, and our mind alert.

Well, just before nine

I'm up to this sign

which gives me great heart.

a break first, then start…

Dad does arrive and how good is that! Breaky, rest with feet up, small walk of 2.7km to a better spot on the road (& on Western side of road), then another rest in the heat of the day. Head out at 3:30pm. We were stopped just before this creek:

I’ve done 21.7km so far today. Hoping to do 37 today, so as not to do more the second last day, than the last day of this little stint, because then I have some rest days from walking, Tuesday & Wednesday.. (& maybe even untill April/May next year?) so technically it would be good for Dad to pick me up 6 km before the Roadhouse… then drop me back there at 5am, and I could meet him for breaky there again??

Amazing mountains I am walking through here ..

At 4pm another reminder on the Western side of the road, that not everyone who passed here, continues for long…

 help me creative love to make my days count!

A welcome sign o the next shire:

And Dad just passed me and radiod back on the UHF (that I’ve been carrying since Mareeba)  that there is a beautiful lookout ahead.

Wow, the trees look quite different on either side of the road:

Doesn’t come out in the pic, as much as when you are here.

~5:15pm another sign telling me how far.. to..

So another 9 or 10km tonight would be good. And a good time to stop, so I don’t overdo things today, so I might actually make it to lake land tomorrow - though, we’ll see.

I saw a family in a 4 WD to the right here, from Ballarat, asked if they were ok, … they were just changing a baby’s nappy and checking the oil. The car is booked in for a service in Cairns. We wished each other all the best, and i walked on.

Nearly 6pm.. on the left (West):

and on the right (East):

I was glad when Dad arrived 4.5km from the Roadhouse . We had a cold drink with the other guests at the bar, then I headed for a shower, while Dad cooked dinner, and in bed by 11pm.