May he help us live in it, through night and in day,
Thanks that he leads in wisdom and light,
It makes me sleep peacefully, tomorrow'll be 'right.
that's piece by piece until we've walked the way,
& know it top to bottom, all of it
(well, might be we're more known by it, I say).
(that's "Shalom" in the Hebrew, they tell me,
they say that peace's lovers never cease,
it's blessings were pronounced by heavenly
his way of truth & love is peace's way,
& he told his ambassadors then please
to bless all lovers of peace who will pay
who put their money where their mouth is too,
they will not talk and then just forget it,
they learn to live it out, as rare folk do!
they see beyond the biological,
might not be in their life-time when unfurled,
but peace's flag & rule is magical,
it has a diff'rent pow'r that's based on love,
it's creativity is not a trick,
it does the work, & yet it will not shove!
- at peace, that other hands are working too
(yet if it wakes it is not scared, & peeps,
expectant) banks that truth & love win through.