Sunday, 18 August 2024

Day 11 (from Charters; a rest day)

Slept in till about 7am... 

Might go for a wander around town and see what happens Sunday mornings in Green vale. Wish my lovely lady was here. 

I need to do some food shopping before I go on. And, because this is a kind of pilgrimage too, I'll look to see if I can catch any other Jesus Followers (Christians of any brand who are learning as they follow Jesus) around; but anyone who is open to humanity & friendship could be good. I'm in this big human family with them, learning to be like the creative loving spirit I'm getting to know - friendly and working with all that's good & true, to build up our resilience and capacity for hesed-thoughtfulness*.

At the servo on the corner I meet Elias again (on the left, I drew his picture last night, at the pub), and Flor (Florence)...who gave me coffee & a breaky burger - delish!

and the servo serves as a grocery shop as well. So I stock up a bit as well. 

Then, out the front, against the highway, at a picnic table, I met the local branch (Greenvale) of the Country Men’s Association (CMA) who meet here on Wednesday mornings and Sunday mornings, and then they meet at the shed at the dump on Tuesdays and Saturdays (8-12). 

From the left: John (and Simba under the table) who had stopped & chatted yesterday (who had stated that I had too much gear for a lift), then Ron, & Dick (have a guess how old Dick is!) 93.75yr today.

They gladly include me & give counsel on roads to take and not take for the next week or so…

Around 10am, I say that I am a Jesus follower, and this is somewhat of a pilgrimage, but I think that the church in Australia has almost lost its… (here Ron gives me the words, something like “right to speak” or “chance to be heard”; with which I agree. So I am trying not to use the words that have been used by christians in the past to describe ultimate reality & personhood etc.  I said I noticed a “Combined Churches”, building on the way into town, but wondered if anyone met there. They said to make it work in a place like this there needs to be a presence in the town of two or three that make it keep working.. There used to be someone who swept the building, and kept it in order… Sounds like not any more. [I didn’t tell them then, that online last night I found that the local “Charters Towers Council”, which had upkept the building granted by the mines as they left, were stuck up-keeping a building which seemed to have no use in the community, yet was now demanding significant maintenance. so were asking for community input, failing which, they had to consider selling it. - Which backed up these fellows' story]  

So I stayed with the CMA there at the picnic table till nearly noon. Noting good ideas, suggestions, learning about pontoons for floating cattle etc. and about other people like Bill with his canoe and motorbike on top of a Hilux that broke its back axle, who had passed through and won some local friendships, notably Ron’s.

Thanks men, for your company, your interesting anecdotes, your candidness, and a fun morning. Very fun to be allowed to be in on the inaugural meeting of the CMA - as such.

Back to the motel, and put washing on, so it will be dry before tonight.

A good catch-up with my lovely lady in Orange on the phone this Arvo. Thanks dear lady.

Had dinner at The Three Rivers Hotel - with many other people… Elias gave me his left over powdered milk, since he plans to leave Aus in a fortnight. Thanks Elias.

Mike let me join him at his table. He bought a house here about 18 yrs ago. Has subsequently lost his faithful wife after 8 heart attacks, but he came for the roast pork special tonight. He doesn't get around as much these days, but, he let me practice my drawing using him as a model …

& took my phone number in case he visits Orange. Thanks Mike for sharing a meal, and half an evening, with me tonight. 

Then Nick’s mate Ben (? did I get that right?) talked with me while he was a model for a learning artist, then Bruce, then Boris, let me practice drawing them, and Nick sat and talked with me around the fire for a while too. And Nick shouted me a drink & donated me $20, which went to Movember. 

Thanks men, for your time and yourself to learn to draw a pic of, and your cash too Nick. Next time we talk Nick, I’ve got a question for you, about something you said tonight. (You said you don’t believe in JC. Why?) All the best to those whose jobs are just about finished on this power line today or tomorrow. I hope I see you more. If so, say G’day, and we can keep going where we left off. 

Thanks to my life-partner/ walking-partner, friend, who started up friendship and thoughtfulness of others by making a world up, and making us up (with a little bit of minimal help, from our parents, fam'ly and friends).

Back to my room, pack for the morning, and off to bed to wake at 5 am, the trolley is being collected about 5:55am. Good night!

*  hesed = Hebrew word for committed love that’s in it for the long-haul, not really for what it can get, but for what it can give.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing progress Paul! And so good that you keep getting checked on by so many people. Good old bush hospitality that seems to have disappeared a bit from our community. But given the opportunity it is lovely to hear how kind and generous we can be to & for each other.
